what is the strength of Wrike as it pertains to a start up solutions manufacturing business.

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I can't provide you with specific strengths as it pertains to manufacturing. However, I can say that regardless of your industry, Wrike does a great job as a flexible work management tool. You can run projects, operations, and requests/workflows through Wrike. It's flexible tagging system allows you to create whatever structure you need to support what you're trying to do.

Maybe I could help provide some more specific recommendations if you could expand on your specific needs as a start up in the manufacturing industry. What kinds of workflows do you need to support? What are you currently using Wrike for? What processes or areas of your business need better organization and reporting?

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👍 Spot On 💡 Innovative Approach 💪 Stellar Advice ✅ Solved 🪄 Remove Kudos

I would agree! I have years of manufacturing experience prior to moving departments and joining Wrike. One of the interesting aspects of using Wrike is the iterative approach... You own the workflows from start to finish, changes to them are easy and fast, unlike other rigid process management approaches. You mention being a start up, I could definitely see how this type of iterative flexibility would be a huge benefit. 

I agree with Eric, I would love to hear more. My suggestion without that info is put a governance process in place from the start. Begin with your guiding principals and make sure you return to them as you adapt!

Good luck

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