Bulk Assign subset of tasks in a Project Template via Request Form

When I create a new project via a request form, I would like to be able to automatically reassign all "Engineering" tasks within the project to the engineer of the Requester's choosing, and likewise for Marketing and Procurement team members. It would save a lot of time setting up each new project. There are usually 200 tasks in our projects to reassign, which currently falls on the manager of each department.

If instead the managers could agree on the project assignees for each department, fill out 1 form, and then Wrike could do it's magic of assigning tasks to the right person in each department, that would be great.

On the back end, the template admin could pre-populate the project tasks with a status of "Engineering" or "Marketing", so that the request form could assign all tasks with status "Marketing" to one user. This is similar to the filter by status-->Mass edit-->Add assignee that is already available via List view.

The ability to select any user as the project assignee is already mentioned here by Jen: Add Person Field


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Tagging myself in this one. i'm curious as to the answers. :D

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