Creating a new project via API & Postman


I'm quite new to using the Wrike API. I'm struggeling with creating a new project (not folder) via postman. Neither the Wrike API nor the Postman documentation describe how you proceed when a parameter (in this case "project") has its own parameters (like ownerIds, status, startDate and endDate.

You start with POST{folderId}/folders.

Then you have different possibilities to specify the parameters, either via Params window or via the Body and writing code. Unfortunately to no avail and I'm stuck.

Any help is appreciated. Thanks

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Pavel M

Chrostopher, sorry for being late to the rescue! Wrike's API does not recognize application/json or form-data format of the query, you would need to make sure all parameters are url-encoded into the string. Parameters window in Postman could facilitate the process, alternatively you can always enter directly into the URL. 

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Serge S.

Hi Christopher! I wanted to quickly chime in and share an example of the "project" parameter string which is used with its own parameters. Here's how we should write it: ...&project={"ownerIds":["KUAAAXUR"],"status":"Green","startDate":"2018-08-06","endDate":"2018-08-13"} This sample is also present in our API documentation. Hope it helps! 😃

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