Copy & Paste in workload and Calendar views

Hi all,

I was wonder if there are some plan to implement Copy&past in the “load of work” and in the calendar as well

Right now, with right-click the copy function is disabled.

We have several similar activities that we need to replicate in time, but we need a global overview like workLoad to be sure to plan them correctly.

The same will be very useful in the “calendar” view.

moreover I would say that classical (like Excel) copy and paste would be great in evey view especially the Table,

where we need to replicate a custom field clicking on every line! copy and paste would help a lot in these cases!


Thanks everyone


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I totally agree! Let make this happen. I would like this functionality in the Calendar view. Meanwhile we are using google.

👍 Spot On 💡 Innovative Approach 💪 Stellar Advice ✅ Solved 🪄 Remove Kudos

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