Cannot figure out PUT requests


GET and POST are working fine for me, but I am having trouble getting PUT requests to work.

When I send this request to modify a task, it returns a 200 with the task data in JSON, but nothing changes except for updatedDate. I tried different parameters but nothing is changing. It feels like I'm missing something obvious but it's been 2 hours and I'm stumped. Can anyone see what I am doing wrong?

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Pavel M

Hi Sangbin! Have you tried to URl-encode parameters? Wrike's API will not recognise them in JSON body I am afraid. 

URL for PUT could look like this:
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Hello Pavel,

Thank you for the reply. I actually tried the way before but because it had a space in the url, it was giving me 400 error so I thought it was not the correct way.

Replacing any spaces with %20 seems to work fine. (But + doesn't seem to work?)

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