Calendar changes due dates when there is a vacation overlap
We would like a way to lock down the calendar feature so that it does not change task due dates when there is an overlap of time with out of office, non-working days. Microsoft Project allows you to stop this type of data moving. Could this feature be added to Wrike so that client due dates don't move?
Thank you!
Maybe another radio button on the date picker like the "work on weekends" that reads "ignore vacation".
Plus 1
Seconded--there must be an option to NOT reschedule deadlines, regardless of reason (as noted above, working weekends and ignoring vacation or office closures are distinct). Deadlines cannot shift on a whim; that defies the point of a deadline. Please make the date-shift an option. Yes, pre-planning events is best, but it's not always possible. As new clients to Wrike, we built out pre-existing projects with fixed deadlines. Wrike doesn't accommodate that, which is making it of limited use.
Thirded - I am surprised nothing like this has been implemented yet that I know of?
Hi Andrea Saravolac, welcome to the Community, and thank you for reaching out! 🤗
Our Product Feedback forum works on a voting system (please check out the article for more information). For now, the threshold for receiving a Product status hasn't been reached, so please upvote (= "like") the suggestion above. It helps our team understand the amount of interest for a suggested idea. At the same time, all the feedback from this forum is reported to the team, so they are aware of this ask and I'll continue passing on the feedback.
Regarding this particular topic, I'm wondering if you tried to enable the "Work on weekend" option so that the tasks aren't automatically rescheduled? Can this be helpful?
Lisa Community Team at Wrike Wrike Product Manager Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover
Lisa Wrike Team member Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover
Agreed that this change is needed. This "feature," in combination with not having a history of due date changes, has messed up timelines on multiple occasions.
Lisa upvoted - I think "work on weekend" is managed at an enterprise level at our organisation. If I were to untick "working days only" on each task we manage with Wrike it would take a while for all of them, plus overestimate the time we have for each task as we don't actually work weekends. With this hybrid structure I wonder if there's another solution to stop the dates moving - I'm stewing on whether there's something we can amend with the way we manage the tasks to mitigate the issue in lieu of an update on Wrike's side.
Austin Headley strangely I can see the due date change in task history but it isn't clear that it's system/calendar driven, rather whoever set the task deadline in the first place is the person who appears to have changed it.
Andrea Saravolac I can see the change, but I can't see what it was changed from. Example:
But what was the date before? Is there a way to see this that I'm just not aware of?
Thank you for voting and supporting here Andrea Saravolac, and also for providing more detail on your use case 🙌
Austin Headley When you schedule a task initially, you can see that information along with the date in the stream. If you change the dates afterwards, you'll also see the change (like on your screenshot above).
Lisa Community Team at Wrike Wrike Product Manager Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover
Lisa Wrike Team member Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover
Hi Lisa, I dont actually see that, can you confirm where its shown?
Hey Austin Headley, please see my reply on this thread 👍
Lisa Community Team at Wrike Wrike Product Manager Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover
Lisa Wrike Team member Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover