Python - Wrike API. Creating new tasks (HELP)


I am trying to use python to create new tasks in Wrike. I am able to do this successfully but only for very basic fields such as title, description, and status. I am having trouble setting sub dicts, for example {"dates":{"start":"YYYY-MM-DD"}. Here's a sample of my code. When I try to add information for start and due dates I get status code 400.

def main():
folderId = "folderIDnumber"
headers = {'authorization': "bearer my_token_key"}
url = ""
data = formWrikeTaskJson(title="new task",
description="some details",
rPost = post2wrike(folderId,headers,url,data)
print rPost.status_code

def formWrikeTaskJson(title="New Task",description="",status="Active",customStatusId='','%Y-%m-%d'),
endtime ='%Y-%m-%d')):
data = {}

#data["dates"]={"start":starttime} this part does not work!
#data = json.dumps(data) neither does doing this in general
return data
def post2wrike(folderId,headers,url,json):
url = url+"/folders/{}/tasks".format(folderId)
rPost =, headers=headers,data=json)
return rPost
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Any update on this?  I'm having the same problem.  Here is what I'm sending:

{"title": "This is a test 3", "description": "Description Test", "customStatus": "IEAB4DUKJMALDX2Q", "dates": {"type": "Milestone", "due": "2018-11-30"}}

I get the following error:

{'errorDescription': "Parameter 'dates' value is invalid", 'error': 'invalid_parameter'}

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@Doug Hey, thanks for posting 🙂

I've raised a Support ticket for you, someone from the team will help you with this 👍


Lisa Community Team at Wrike Wrike Product Manager Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover

Lisa Wrike Team member Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover

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Has there been an update on this? I can't find the support ticket that was supposedly created. I get the same error, except I'm trying to set the responsibles field as laid out in the task v4 api.

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Hi Chad,

  Here is what I did when updating the date for a task to set the start time.  I'm using the arrow package for the dates.  Hopes this helps.

set_date = arrow.utcnow().to('US/Mountain').format('YYYY-MM-DD')

        data = {'customStatus': customStatus, 'dates': json.dumps({'type' : 'Milestone''due': set_date, 'start': set_date, 'duration'5}) }
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Hi Doug,

Did you ever try to set the responsibles field?
I basically have the following:

task = {'title':'test', 'description':'test task','status':'Active','importance':'High','responsibles':["BOGUSIDHERE"]}
response = requests.request("POST", url, data=task, headers=header)

Now without the responsibles field in the task, it posts just fine. With it I get:

{'errorDescription': "Parameter 'responsibles' value is invalid", 'error': 'invalid_parameter'}

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I actually was able to figure it out like this:
responsibles = json.dumps(["{0}".format(k)]) # here k is the id of the person responsible
task = {'title':title, 'description':description,'status':'Active','importance':imp,'responsibles':responsibles}
requests.request("POST", url, data=task, headers=header)

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