Auto follow task when not requester

 Good afternoon folks,


I'm having an issue with a couple of my colleagues being automatically assigned 'follow' to tasks. Unfortunately the chap who set it up ha since left the company and we're trying to un-do this.


The flow for this is:


Client account manager sets up a task via the request button

Task then auto assigns 'follow' to two of my colleagues


I've tried checking in request forms and user groups to no avail.


I have access to the Owner of our Wrike account so can make any changes!


Cheers guys :)



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Hi Greg!

The case you are in is not about Owner rights but about the following rule.

I believe your colleagues are set as followers on some top level folder or the folder targeted by the request.

So try to find the folder which is followed

And remove your colleagues from followers

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Amazing, thanks Andriy - got it to work!


Hopefully that'll stop them complaining...

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You are welcome Greg

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