iOS Improvements - Split-Screen for iPad, Siri Integration

Two feature ideas for iOS/mobile users that I think would be pretty useful!


1. Split-Screen mode for iPad would enable Task Creation from a number of different sources. I can picture it now - Mail on the left, dragging an email right into a Folder in Wrike to create a new Task.

2. Siri (and Google's alternative) are fantastic idea-catchers. Being able to feed Wrike through Siri will help those of us who spontaneously have ideas and, say, are driving to work.

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Really great idea for split screen. I'd like to see this work for the Microsoft iOS Outlook app as well - drag and drop and email from Outlook to Wrike to create a task.

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Awesome ideas guys. I get so much done on mobile and I'd love for Siri to link to Wrike. We'll make sure the ideas are shared with the relevant Product Team 👌 Thanks for your input!

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Any update here Wrike Team? I find myself using iOS/MacOS ‘Reminders’ app all the time due to the speed and ease of adding tasks that also include dates and times just via voice. FYI... the app called Things has a cool integration with Siri where (1) you just need to start with “In Things remind me to” (instead of just saying to Siri, “Remind me to...”), and (2) any task added to the Reminders app in iOS/MacOS automatically goes into an Inbox folder in Things that makes it one-click-easy to then add the task officially into Things, and (3) if a task is actually marked as compete in Reminders, that syncs with Things and removes from the Inbox.

If Wrike has this same level of Siri integration, it would make Wrike so much more useful for capturing and managing the many tasks and ideas that come to mind when you’re not at your desk (eg driving, walking, brushing teeth!)

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Hi MC Carter, sorry for the delay. 

No update at the moment, but this feedback has been shared with our Product Team. If we do have any updates here, we'll be sure to let you know 🙂

Elaine Community Team at Wrike Wrike Product Manager Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover

Elaine Wrike Team member Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover

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same here.  i am new to wrike and love it. i need to say "hey siri open wrike" "add a task to buy a trailer hitch cover" random crap like that.  all in one place thank you!

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Thanks for sharing Erica Tripard 🙂

We appreciate the feedback here and I've passed it on. If you need anything else let me know 👍

Elaine Community Team at Wrike Wrike Product Manager Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover

Elaine Wrike Team member Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover

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