Convert Item Type - Copy Comments/Conversation from Original

It would be fantastic if when converting item types (in this instance, from a project to a task type) that all comments/conversation from the original item were also brought into the new item. There is often essential communication that is a part of that feed before it's converted that then is either lost or had to be manually moved to the new item. The same goes for any attachment comments.

Ideally, maybe when converting from one type to another, there would be a selection box of what data needs to come over, much like when duplicating an item.

For example - that item conversion selection tool could ask if Custom Fields, Assignees, Comments, attachments, etc need to be a part of the migration. In many instances, I would guess they do. 

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Kelly Hanson I had not realized that it didn't copy over crucial information such as comments and attachments! This is a huge problem - I agree that there can be a selection box at the very least (similar to when you create something from blueprint and can select what you'd like to do). Ideally, things would retain by default though... I guess it's because it completely changes the ID of the work item when converting to a different type but for the most seamless experience possible, I think it should retain it's same ID and just change the type while retaining all important info.

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