Absolute filters
Here is the issue I am currently facing in Wrike. I am creating a dashboard for a manager to be able to view tasks for their direct reports and I am filtering the data by specific users. However, because I am grouping the results by Assignee, any person who is also assigned to any of these tasks also shows up in the dashboard despite the fact that they are not specified in the filters.
I would also love this feature because I've tried to do the same thing Chris is talking about. Sometimes we have people outside of a department assisting someone with a task, so they both get assigned to it so they can both track it on their to do lists. But to Chris's point, you can't filter out the other people who aren't a direct report of the manager you're trying to build the dashboard for. So you end up with other "random" people on the view, like bar and pie charts, and it clutters the view.