re-assign tasks from job role to user

What is the easiest way to quickly assign all tasks of a specific job role within a project to a specific user.

example: Task A, Task B and Task E of "Project 1" are assigned to the job role "project leader". Bert will become the project leader so the assignment of all relevant "project leader tasks" should be assigned to Bert

Since one project can have over 30 tasks for a job role, it would be convenient if this does not have to be executed one by one manually... 

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Hi Simone Darphorn

I would do the following in your case:

  • In Table view, go into the project containing the tasks that are assigned to a given job role 
  • Set a filter for Task > Assignee = job role 
  • Click the top-left-hand corner box near the headers of the table to select all (you can deselect the project as it technically doesn't call into the job role assignment filter OR you can click the first box, hold Shift, click the last box of tasks you want to reassign to select all 
  • Click the assignment button along the top > Reassign = choose the user you want

Once you reassign, your Table view of the project will probably turn blank with no tasks - just make sure to remove the job role assignment filter to get back the entire view of your tasks :) 


There are other ways to mass-reassign, including in other views like List view, but Wrike folks have been mentioning that the List view will be phased out eventually - might as well get the hang of Table view in this case :) 

Hope this helps - happy holidays!

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Hi Simone Darphorn,
I agree with Anna solution.
Also I've created a little automation with Wrike Integrate to do this in a clic.
If you need a screen let me know

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Anna Giacobbe

Thank you for the information. Unfortunately this is a form of mass editing where everything will be overwritten by one value. When the project setup is more complicated, and if for some of the tasks multiple job roles are assigned. Also we have made a flexible division on the hours of one task between the different assigned job roles, and those should be

Pietro Poli

Would it be possible with an automation to really exchange a jobrole for a specific selected user? An example of this would be highly appreciated.



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Sure Simone Darphorn
here my screenshot


I use it with 3 different job role for now and it's very userful.

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