Wrap Text in Datahub Top Row

Hello again!

I would love to be able to wrap text in the top row. We can wrap text in fields but not the top row.

I have a number of fields in our Databases where the label is a bit long. To read the column, I have to set the column to a wider length. But the data itself is numbers, which take up very little room. This results in a lot more scrolling than should be needed. 

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That makes sense, Tiffany! I will forward your feedback to our product team. 👍🏽

Basudha Sakshyarika Community Team at Wrike Wrike Product Manager Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover

Basudha Sakshyarika Wrike Team member Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover

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Basudha Sakshyarika Thank you! :) 

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