How to ensure task start and end dates don't move if an assignee enters PTO
Hi Wrike Community,
We use Wrike as a marketing agency. We have really important deadlines, and we try to plan ahead, but if an assignee enters PTO it changes the dates (and messes with tasks dependent on it). Has anyone found a good workaround to make sure a due date can't change?
I've thought about assigning it to a dummy user or role, but our team relies on tasks assigned to them so this isn't my favorite workaround.
Interested to hear what other orgs have done! HELP US!
Thank you!
The due date changes because the user is being assigned something on the day of their PTO. If you have a deadline that cannot change, then you can unassign that task or have two tasks (one for the work and the other for the deadline). Alternatively, if you only care about the due date, you can convert the task to a milestone (but will effectively remove the start date). Another idea is to assign multiple people to the task (like one primary and one backup or dummy user) - unless all users assigned are out on PTO, that task won't reschedule.
For me, Wrike doesn't automatically reschedule when we block out the PTO in the "work schedules", it leaves it assigned to the dates even though it says they're on PTO. This gives me the chance to reassign or adjust my plan. Are you using the "Users" tab of the "Work schedules" like we are?
We've found that Wrike reschedules tasks if the task is only assigned to the person who's PTO is blocked out in Work Schedules. For this reason we have a dummy account that we also assign to the task to allow us to reschedule back to the original date. It's a manual process, and a bit annoying but it works.