Gantt Chart Features - Projects and Sub- Projects

When Managing Programs or Portfolios, I like to use stacked projects so I can see high level views of the collective, while allowing the downstream teams the features of the projects and tasks in their board views. 

However, I'm finding that when I try to use fields like Dependencies and Durations on the sub projects of the portfolio, I'm limited from using these features.  Am I doing something wrong, or is this feature limited?

If it's limited, what are the work arounds? and use this as an upvote for the feature improvement.

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Hi Tyler, 

You're not missing something - Wrike does not allow the Predecessors field (for dependencies) to be used on a Project - only on a task. 

The workaround for this is to have a Project Start and and Project Close task that match to the dates of your project, for each project, and you can make dependencies between the tasks. 

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