Dashboards and Reports
Hi There,
We need to do a lot of reporting for YTD. i.e. Projects completed YTD or last year. There are options for last week, or this month etc. Can we have YTD and last year options added as well? This would mean that we don't have to change the custom timeframe at the start of every year etc.
I agree!
Hey, Irene. You can sort of emulate YTD by simply using sum and selecting Jan 1 to Dec 31 as the date range (completed date), but I understand that it's a suboptimal solution. We have significant improvements for date filters on our roadmap that are going to make this use case, as well as many others for dashboard creators. Thank you for your feedback!
Vladimir Bugay Community Team at Wrike Wrike Product Manager Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover
Vladimir Bugay Wrike Team member Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover
Thanks Vlad, that's what we're doing atm. We're using the date range for the time being. It just means that we need to update every widget on all dashboards etc using this range at the start of next year. Thanks for the feedback, looking forward to the releases. :)