Overlay (Files) - Navigate Pages to Compare as Overlap Option
Sometimes we add pages to files/versions - which causes the page orders to change.
I would still like to be able to compare them in overlay view to the corresponding page in the previous version, but since the pages reorder - it would be nice to be able to select the pages we want to overlay
I would like to be able to unsync the pages and/or change the page number on top one of the files in the overlay view without it advancing the other file (similar to side-by-side comparison)
yes please! this would ensure we can use this feature for routes throughout the process and not just when it's close to "complete"
Agree! This would come in handy, especially for websites and IVAs when we add a page for a pop-up but still want to review the same content against each other.
Thank you for sharing your idea Sherrie Besecker, confirming it's been sent to our Product team that oversees files and comparison mode 👍
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