Feature in Wrike for Mass Change of Approvers

Dear Wrike Support,

I would like to suggest implementing a feature in Wrike that allows users to bulk edit approvers. Currently, there is no native option to perform this action, making the process quite laborious and time-consuming.

It would be extremely helpful to have a tool that enables us to modify the approvers for multiple tasks at once, rather than having to do so manually, one by one. This would save time and effort while increasing the efficiency of using the platform.

We appreciate your consideration of this suggestion and hope it can be implemented in future updates to Wrike.

Best regards,

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Hi João Santos, welcome to the Community 👋

Thank you for posting your feedback, I've moved your post to the Product Feedback forum. I'll also send your idea to the responsible team at Wrike. If you'd like to learn more about how we work with Product Feedback here in the Community, please check out this post 🙂

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