Some users are not able to see tasks created and assigned from request form and blueprint
Hello Wrike community!
I seem to be having this issue where users that were previously able to see tasks that were created from a request form using a designated blueprint, can no longer see the drop-down menu option to reveal the tasks created. With one user it seemed to work for me to remove him from the space, save, and then re-add him but that is not working for the other two users I am seeing this problem with. All users involved have a "Regular User" license, and all are added to the space with "Full" and/or "Admin" access during testing and currently. If anyone has any insight as to why this may be occuring and how to fix it.
Thank you!
I am having the same issue... any updates?
Hi Ian Edwards and Blaith Cooper, thank you for bringing this to our attention, I've passed your cases to our Support Team, and one of our agents will reach out to you shortly to assist you with this 👍