Customize Blueprints during the "Launch from blueprint" process and select what folders and tasks must be included in the launched blueprint

Our projects are highly customizable, which means every time we launch a new project, we have to delete countless tasks that are not relevant to the specific project (which in turn spams every Wrike user's inbox with delete notifications - it would be great if that can be switched off). We have 50+ different project plans, each requiring a different variation from a baseline.

Sure, I can go and create 50+ blueprints, each with slight variations based on the project, but the issue then comes that if I need to change one part in the baseline that affects all of the 50+ blueprints, I have to manually change it for all. This is extremely time-consuming and is where mistakes creep in. I currently have 5 Blueprint variants, and keeping those up to date is a nightmare.

It would be great if when you launch from a blueprint, it gives you a list of all the projects/folders & tasks in that blueprint (like the way you see a project in its Table view) and allows you to select with a tick box which folders and tasks to include in the launch from the blueprint.

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Lize Loftie-Eaton I agree 100% on everything you mentioned above. The delete notifications are annoying. 

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Hi Lize Loftie-Eaton, very interesting idea, thank you very much for sharing it with us! I've passed it on to our Product Team 👍

Zachary Dilworth thank you for adding your support! 

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I do this exact thing with request forms. You can easily add sub-folders/projects and tasks based on what is checked off in a form. And the form can fetch tasks from a blueprint so you can pre-populate your blueprint with assignees and custom field entries and all of that will carry over when you create it from a request form. The request form can also only be visible to certain users, so if you only want certain people, say Project Managers, to have the ability to create projects like this, then you can only make it visible to them. Taking the time for setting this up was definitely worth it in the long run to avoid have 100 instances of a blueprint, wondering if we have the right one for each different project, and the annoyance and hassle of the "you've been assigned a task and by the time you click on it it's been deleted" notification cycle. I want/need the team to know that when they get a notification, it's important and they need to pay attention to it, and this approach helped solve that.

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Hi Jessie Stith can you share how to achieve this.

I'm pretty confident with forms, blueprint, etc but I cannot personalize my projects as I want only using a form.

I've projects with several task and some of them can depend on other task so I need to create entire project (by form) and then go to specific task/folder and delete it.

Maybe you don't have my exactly needs but if you can share something it would be great.

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Pietro Poli, can't you use options on the request form to include certain tasks or folders in your resulting project? I do this in some of my request forms, where you ask a series of questions "does the project include xxx", and then include tasks based on this. Instead of including everything and then going back and deleting, I include pieces as needed. 

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Make sure your form is set to create project. Then add a multiple answer checkbox question. For each answer, you add a conditional branching assignment to add either a subtask or a subproject (or folder because it lets you pick a folder). Then when you fill out the form you are only creating the tasks/folders that you've selected. If you have core tasks that are always included in every project, then you could preset those up in a project blueprint and use the "create project from..." form setting instead, but that blueprint should only include those handful of things that are needed 100% of the time.

I'd recommend having multiple answer questions for each team, department, or other meaningful way to group your work. It won't matter once the project is created, but it will make it easier on the person filling out the form because related work items will be grouped together instead of seeing a never-ending checklist.

Any tasks with dependencies you can bring in as a subproject or a folder so the dependency relationships will remain intact. And then it's a simple matter on the Gantt chart to just pick-whip a handful of tasks as necessary once the project is created from the form if there are any you need to connect to each other from different folders. Which is way faster then trying to set them up for ALL the tasks. We also use subtasks very successfully with this approach, so you can setup a parent task with subtasks and have the dependencies on the subtasks. Then the assignee on the parent task gets a Wrike bot notification when all the work is ready. The parent task is the only thing you need to setup in the form with conditional branching if using this approach, and all the subtasks and dependencies will populate into the project automatically.

Here's the Wrike help article for adding conditional subtasks and subprojects in case anyone needs the info. 

Bottom line is you have to figure out what can be added individually and what you need to add in groups. If you think about  individual items you need, you can just check the box and it's added. If you need things that have dependencies, bring them in as a folder so they come in as a group.

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Thanks a lot Jessie Stith and Jason Pontius.
I'll try your method. I never done in this way because several task in different folders have dependecies.

Very very thanks for now

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Pietro Poli - I haven't been able to fix the dependencies doing what Jessie Stith recommended. I have to go into the project after it's created and fix the dependencies. 

I have 1 main project type, which branches into 6 different projects and then based on questions some specific tasks are added. Those last tasks are the ones that don't have dependencies. 

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Hi Mike Fank, I didn't try this yet.
But you always need to fix dependencies with Jessie Stith way.

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