Turn-off Delete Notification in Wrike Inbox

Whenever we launch from a blueprint, we have to delete many tasks that are relevant to that project due to each of our projects being customizable and the blueprints not allowing customizability during the launch from there. This causes user's Wrike Inboxes to be flooded with notifications of tasks being deleted. It would be great if there was an option allowing you to switch those off.

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Lize Loftie-Eaton

my recommendation: do not delete, but make a status "won't work" or "not needed". Then you see the decissions of the project leads what is not necessary.

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Hi Sven Passinger,

you are on right, but I think that changing status can cause some misunderstandings.
I make the same like Lize Loftie-Eaton tells and for my experience it would be useful to not send email for each task when a project started.

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Hi Pietro Poli

we do not allow users to delete anything. Very simple reason: you can loose tasks. And as the projectmanagement is the central workflow that can make really big problems. So for security reasons we allow to generate tasks, but you have to put them to a won't work or complete if you want to get rid of them.

I do not see any possible misunderstanding as everybody is clear that won't work means we will not do it. The advantage is that you can clearly see who decided this in a lessons learned. So everybody is careful. 

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Thanks for the feedback! Changing the status would, unfortunately, definitely cause confusion in the way we work. We are trying to use a singular workflow in the company, and it already has too many statuses that are not relevant to specific departments that we are trying to get rid of. We prefer not to have the task in the plan as it clutters the plan since we need to be able to always see all tasks and can't filter to only active tasks since we might miss something. 

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Hey Lize Loftie-Eaton! If changing the status would cause confusion (I agree with Sven, that would be my first attempted fix lol) maybe you could try using a request form to help you only grab the tasks that you need for the new project. For example, if there are any custom fields that need to be filled out when creating it, you can map them with the form. And then you can make checklists for the tasks you need and have the follow up action when they are selected on the form to add a subtask to the project from a blueprint. Then you only get the tasks you need created at the time the project is created. 

If you have a bunch of tasks in the projects, I'd recommend looking at how you have parent/sub tasks & projects setup so there's fewer things to "check" on the form, and also maybe grouping tasks for different departments into different questions or pages so filling out the form is a better user experience. If you had tasks for different departments on different pages, you could ask up front which departments are involved in the project and then only see those pages when filling out the form.

I've had good success with this approach as it reduces the amount of time spent on setting up the project and avoids confusion with the team who gets notifications the task was created AND deleted and ends up being inbox clutter.

Hope that helps! :)

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Hi Jessie, thank you for the feedback! I will definitely look into this at some point. My only issue with this is that this will be a very time consuming and exhaustive exercise that I do not have time for as much as I wish I had! :) I suspect it would be far less work for Wrike to just make an on/off setting for deleted task's notifications since they already have several similar functions. :P

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Lize Loftie-Eaton totally understand. You should add this as a feature request; I bet it would get a bunch of upvotes :)

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Hi Jessie, I don't know how to add it to feature requests because when I navigate to it, it keeps bringing me to the same place I already used to post from. Am I missing something?

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Hi Lize Loftie-Eaton, it's the name of the forum, so it should be perfectly fine if you choose "Product Feedback", then add title, then your post and then click on "Submit". I hope this helps! 

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