Inspiration - how to build the best visualization for forecasting resources?
I'm currently working on building a board that can help us forecast our ressources based on capacity and task effort booked on each user.
Each user is working on multiple projects at once, so we're not interested in looking at ressources from a single project perspective, it is relevant to us to look at it from a user perspective.
I'd like a visualization similarly to the workload view, so users on the X-axis and time (weeks or months) on the Y-axis.
We're interested in seeing each users "booking %" pr. week (or other timeframe) based on capacity, and the filter for tasks calculated in effort should be all active and completed tasks in the given period of time.
I'm thinking a bar or line chart of some sort would be nice for this purpose 🤔
- Bar in terms of making it a replica of workload view and
- Line chart in the hope of being able to have a capacity line and a booked line and thereby be able to see the gap
If I'm totally missing out on something here, I'm also very open to be inspired to completely different solutions I may not have thought of myself!
Hi Maria Hermansen,
I've done something similar during these weeks.
To get booking % I've used this formula:

and put it on table and on a line chart to show how workload move

If you need something else we can arrange a videocall =)
Pietro Poli
Very interesting!
I'm currently trying to create something similar and have detected an "error" in terms of the calculations of the amount of planned time.
I'm thinking there maybe a possibility to use a formula to write out deferred or cancelled tasks - do you have any experience in this? 🤔
We are working with all four categories of statuses in our workflow, but for forecasting we're interested in what is booked (active statuses) and not what is in standby (deferred statused) - thats for a different view 😄
I'd love to take you up on your offer and possibly schedule a call!
Workload and filter to match the planned effort in Table

Table and formula
The difference seems to be in the formula - I get a syntax error if I try to use the (SUM (Effort Task Effort (minutes))/60 and by using the total effort formula, it sums up all effort across all statuses - I assume.

Hi Maria Hermansen,
in your screenshot with formula:
You got error because is missing square parentesys []
You can filter SUM for Task Status adding a parameter to the formula, like this:
Then right click on [Task Status Group] and you can edit Status Group you want to filter.
Hi where are you creating these boards? I don't see any of those options of filters or settings on my Boards.
Hi Julio Pompeu, I'm using Wrike Analyze for these dashboards.
Pietro Poli
I've been working on this for a while now and have been in contact with Wrike Analyze Support due to the fields being unavailable to me.
They've explained how some data fields are available in Core and others in Utilization & Performance, however I'm currently experiencing that the data fields you've used to create your forecast is a mix from the two areas - are you able to advice on which data model you've created your board?
It seems to me User Work Schedule belongs in U&P and Task Status Group in Core and that these aren't possible to "mix", however it seems to be exactly what you've been able to do 🧐
Hi Maria Hermansen,
I used Utilization & Performance.
I cannot filter task effort for task status cause I use this view for next months and I assume that "canceled or completed task" are few.