Get Tasks Assigned to Me

Hi, I'm trying to write a personal integration to have my Wrike tasks forwarded to my personal productivity app (unlike most people, I like to have my personal, work, and social tasks and events all in one place).

I'm trying to get all tasks (that aren't completed) assigned to me.

The query tasks request doesn't have a followedByMe or followerId parameter. It seems only the response has followedByMe or followerId.

Given that, am I supposed to query all tasks across my entire org and then filter the response where all tasks where followedByMe equals true myself? Or is there a better way of doing this?

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Hi Nick Zou, welcome to the Community! Thank you for sharing your interesting use case with us, I have opened a ticket with our Support Team on your behalf so one of our API experts can assist you with this.
I'd also like to mention that you can visit our New to Community forum to check the available resources you can find in the Community 🙂 If you have any additional questions, please let us know.
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