Authorisation handling
Hi there,
We have noted that currently in Wrike the authorisation functionality is a little restrictive.
Ideally it would be useful for this to be changed to allow some more variations:
- Ability to assign proxy authorisation if an authoriser is absent (e.g on annual leave)
- Ability to allow multiple authorisers but only require a specified number to approve to allow approval to be confirmed.
These are useful to us as we raise Change Control forms for implementations to customer environments via Wrike, and team managers may be absent and therefore unable to authorise changes - ideally we'd want this flexibility to allow alternatives to keep workstreams going in their absence.
Hi Cansu,
Apologies for the miscommunication. By authorisation I mean approval.
So ideally we would like the ability for approval users (or administrators on their behalf) to assign a proxy for their approvals whilst they are absent.
a possibility of deputy in case of holiday is also for us necessary.
We have an automated approval process in our workflow. When a task is finished the assigne can set the task to "Completed (Verify Requested)". Then the task creator is asked for approval. As this is an automated process the assignee can not skip this. Now if the task creator is in holidays or ill the approval stays several days. So we would like to give a holiday deputy that our projects do not stop for weeks when someone is in holidays.
SO a manual change is not possible in our case.