API / Webhook Documentation Is Invalid

Webhook documentation for the TaskApprovalDecisionChanged, TaskApprovalStatusChanged events is invalid. Sample below:

  "approvalId": "IEADGRKWMEAD3QBO",
  "status": "Approved",
  "folderId": "IEADGRKWI4TNQLAI",
  "webhookId": "IEADGRKWJAAAY2DH",
  "eventAuthorId": "KUAG52VT",
  "eventType": "FolderApprovalDecisionChanged",
  "lastUpdatedDate": "2021-03-03T14:21:04Z"

The payload from Wrike does ***not*** include the folderId

Please update your documentation. I also suggest a thorough audit, as this is likely not the only problem with the docs that has gone reported, and unresolved.


reference: https://developers.wrike.com/webhooks/

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