Idea for Request Forms: "Add page" in the dynamic context menu for multi-select lists

Asana has functionality where selecting items in a multi-select form will load all of the questions associated with what you have chosen right on the same page. For example:

[X] Item 1
[   ] Item 2
[X] Item 3

If I choose 1  and 3, the questions I setup for 1 and 3 just get added underneath. It's a great feature that Wrike lacks, it would be so much easier to capture questions based on choices with this type of branching. 

I had a thought around how to address it in Wrike: What if you added an "Add page" option in the context menu for a multi-select item? Just like Redirect to page, but instead of a redirect, it is loading the page you choose into the existing page.

This would solve my issue, make forms so much easier to build and use, and I'd imagine would not be that difficult to implement since there is already existing functionality that works very similar, like redirects.

Another nice to have would be any subtasks created based on those selections would populate information from the questions into the subtasks. So for example if I chose to have Item 1 load Page 7, and also load a subtask based on a task template, the subtask would be where the Page 7 information is saved into. 

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Thank you for such detailed feedback on request forms Austin Headley, I'll make sure our product team receives it 👍

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