Status Unselectable until Used


I'm putting together a 'Sales Funnel' in the Analyze Reporting, and would like to do it on workflow status. I'd like to use multiple workflows (let's call them an early-stage and a mid-stage workflow) to show the full life from Idea to Proposal.

I've chosen to use the Project Status and Task Status variables in the Values section of a Bar Chart. I use a formula like

(count([Project Name]),[Project Status1])

         and repeat this formula for each status to depict the distribution of Projects from beginning to end of the Sales Funnel.

The issue is that when filtering by status, I can only select for statuses that are have at least one observed instance in the chosen data set. So, if I have three consecutive status':

1. New

2. Scoping

3. Review

         and none of my projects are in 'Scoping', then my funnel chart will not show Scoping with zero projects next to it.  As a sales funnel, I might have 10 projects in New and 10 in Review, and it will show I'm doing fine. But really, I have nothing in the intermediate step.

Does anyone know a workaround, or can point out what I'm missing? Cheers

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Hi Tyler Green,

I think is not possible to show a bar if value is empty or null.

Maybe my Guru Claudio Mennecozzi can help you

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That would be correct: if no data with a specific value are in the dataset, the value itself is not visible. You could only fill the gaps showing a 0 value if the field is continuous and not discrete (e.g. a date field). Let's assume we create a column chart counting completed tasks per month. Now assume that in the month of August we completed no tasks. In this case the field "completion date" would have no values for the month of August, thus the X axys of the bar chart where we host the "completion date" field would not show the month of August at all. This can be prevented via the function "continuous timeline" shown in the picture below, but this function would not work on a field with discrete options like a dropdown custom field or the status:

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Claudio Mennecozzi is there any way to add "continous timeline" also on status?

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Unfortunately not. The function is not being offered for fields with discrete options like "task status":

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Folllowing List for Post: Status Unselectable until Used
[this list is visible for admins and agents only]

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