Automatically change status color
Can you set a feature to allow the color to change automatically from say green to red if today's date is equal to or greater than the finish date? Or from green to yellow if the finish date is x days away from today's date?
We think this functionality is very important, because if the status changes to "Late" the responsible person will give a lot more attention then the other tasks. I would go beyond and add a new status "Late", red, and it would contemplate automatically the tasks that are not completed until the due date.
Adding this sort of alert color isn't something on the immediate roadmap. But it raises some interesting ideas.
I'm wondering how you're managing this no? Using Dashboard Widgets can help with understanding what's overdue, due today, in seven days etc. - do you use these options?
It would be a great additional functionality and would help users to update the Dates for each Task/Project.