Search function doesn't show results from Custom Columns

I would like to be able to search by any custom field created. For example if there is a custom column called Customer Name I would like to be able to put in the customer's name in the search bar and be able to filter the information by the Custom Column " Customer Name"

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Hi Jessica, it's a good question! Although you cannot search by Custom Fields at the moment, there is a way to filter by Custom Field. 
If you click on the Folder you want to search within on the right-hand side of your workspace, go to List View or Table View, and click the filter option. Then using the filter option Custom Fields you can determine what you see by Custom Fields. Let me know if this is helpful and thanks again for your suggestion here!
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Hey Stephen,

We also experience issues by not being able to search the custom field data in the search line. Another thing I discovered long ago, the Mac function [command + F] (which enables us to search throughout an entire page/document for any specific words/letters/numbers, etc) doesn't work with Wrike. The 'Find' command only works on a per-view basis (searching for what you type in ONLY in the view you're physically able to view at that moment) rather than the entire webpage. In order to search the rest of the page, you must scroll down & enter in the Find command again. ☹️ This task isn't fun when your table view is tens of thousands of entries long...

Julia Marantidi Home Automation Executive Account Manager & System Engineer

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We are using custom fields to track customers reference numbers for tasks in projects. If you want to find all tasks related to such an ID in a quick way (and if you don't know the exact number) it would be great to be able to search for custom fields. Doing a filter is way to complicated for quick and stressful daily work and it only works if you know the exact value of the field.

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This is needed in our org as well. One workaround we've done is create reports on custom fields so they're more easily findable, but it would still be nice to be able to search for them using the search tool. 

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It is really important to add this feature! I need to be able to seach for numbers in custom fields. Thanks!

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Need that too. It's been more than 2 years since this thread have been started. It's very sad to adopt a new project management system only to discover later that a basic and critical function like searching doesn't work. Please, give us an update on this.

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Hi everyone, thanks a lot for your feedback!

Currently, searching by custom field values isn't planned by the team. I've passed all your feedback and if anything changes here, I'll make sure to let you know!

Lisa Community Team at Wrike Wrike Product Manager Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover

Lisa Wrike Team member Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover

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Any update to this? We really need this basic function as well for our company. 

Please advise 


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Hey Adam Hansen,

The Product team currently have no plans to add this suggestion to the short-term roadmap. If there are any changes here, I'll be sure to keep you posted. In the meantime, I would recommend using Stephen's workaround above to search for items within custom field values. 

If you have any other questions, be sure to let me know.

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Search Custom Field data by applying filter is not convenient method when data base is huge. It's take time to load data on screen . Custom Field search should also be part of Native search.

Another way is to use Cntrl+F to search Custom Field Data in Table view , however this does not work for data which is beyond the screen area.

Wrike team should think in this direction to make Custom Field search more convenient for users . 

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Hi Rakesh Kakkar, thank you for sharing this feedback! It's been passed on to the Product team. I don't have an update at the moment here, if there is any new information available, I'll be sure to let you know.

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searching in Customized Fields should be a basic Function. I have same Problems like the others.

And this was already asked in 2017 as I can see in the front comments. Is their any News?

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Hello Ralf Platzbecker, welcome to the Community 👋🏻

Thanks for posting! This suggestion is under "Investigation" by our Product team with the most recent updates to be found in this thread. Currently, it's possible to search tasks with specific custom field entries when you use the search result with the filter. 

Please let me know if you have any questions 🙋🏻‍♀️

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