Consignment Program
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Uhm... sounds me a lot to creating custom statuses (click the link), then I would suggest creating a Dashboard with the correct filters, like a Kanban Board (Click to the link)
Andrea Rosales "Gracias por existir Ctrl+Z"
I would suggest mapping out your process with post-its using a swim-lane map.
Then create steps in a folder that correspond with your post-its and name that folder "Consignment Process Template." You might consider adding dates and duration that are common using the time line view. Assign the tasks to the typical users. Then change all of your tasks to a workflow status that is "deferred" or "cancelled" (this way it won't show up in their active tasks.
When you are ready to perform the process. Right click-duplicate the folder. This will convert all "deferred"/"cancelled" tasks to "active"
Rename the folder, adjust the dates/assignments, and put the folder in a logical and shared place inside Wrike.