Scheduling weekend work when it's turned off
Not sure if this is intentional, but we have noticed that even with our account settings set so that working days are MTWTF (week days) and not weekends. It seems that when filling out request forms our teams can still select a weekend date.
Seems odd that even though it's specified as a non working day it can still be selected as a date?
Holly, thanks for the post! The "Work on Weekends" checkbox is automatically enabled for any task created through a request (visible from the date picker in the actual task), and while this is the current logic, I do appreciate hearing your thoughts about this aspect! This checkbox can currently be switched off for tasks which have already been created as soon as you open them in the Workspace. I know that's not the ideal solution for you, but hopefully it helps in the meantime!
Hey Anastasia,
Thanks for the reply!
Just seems really odd that if we choose not to work weekends from the account, that they system would still allow a user to pick a weekend day as the deadline!
It's a bit of a pain having to go through and uncheck work on weekends for the tasks, but it will do for now.
I agree. Removing the option to select Saturday and Sunday as the due date would be ideal.