Sort By Date Created
I would like to figure out a way to sort tasks for my production guy where the tasks I created first show up at the top and then sort by the what was created first to last. He tends to go by alphabetical order, which is how it sorts if you filter by Created Date or by Due Date, instead of doing the oldest work first.
Hi Dana, there's currently no way to directly sort by created first to last. The best workaround would be to number your tasks as you create them so that when you sort by title they sort by created first to last. For example,
I know that's a workaround and not the exact functionality you're looking for, so I'm also moving this post to our Product Feedback section that way other users can +1 it.
This certainly needs change, I have a bug list that is growing daily and I need to report on how many were added each week.
This is necessary for our team as well. We work in a task list where first in needs to be worked on first; today there is no easy way to do this.
I would love this feature as well. Having a date created would help us sort through tasks much more efficiently!
Is this really still unaddressed after a year-and-a-half? With only a very unworkable workaround to live with?!
I'm shocked that we can't control the Sort Order in Lists and Dashboard Widgets.
Anything I can filter upon should also be something I can Sort upon!
I've got to say: The more we use Wrike (and it's been a couple of years) the harder it becomes to use.
There is now so much content in here that Wrike's poor filtering, reporting and ways to manage priorities leave us with no way to know what work to do!! I cannot recommend to others the use of a system that puts data in without a good way to get it back out and accomplish project goals.
My use case (that brought me to this Issue) is this:
I have so many Overdue tasks at this point (200+) that I need to sort by Due Date-Newest to Oldest so I can focus on the present until someone brings up something older. I can't sort in the Dashboard Widget I'm attempting to build (nor in the corresponding List view).
Further, I can't Filter by Due Date (in either place) so that I can at least limit what appears to me to only the newest stuff. Choosing a Filter of "Tasks To Do" = "overdue" and adding a filter for "Due Date" = "this month" does not eliminate tasks due before or after 'this month' as one would expect.
And (for another ticket, but while I'm ranting) even if that worked, I really want to filter on "last 30 days" - not "this month" when it's only the 3rd of the month! How come I can look ahead 7 or 30 days, but not back 30 days? (or even filter by BOTH 'this month' AND 'last month')?
Please add this, it is really needed. For example, it would help to find the tasks I recently created (I am often surprised how hard it is to find tasks if you are not an assignee...).
Please add this, this is quite frustrating. Another idea is to have an activity widget in the dashboard and scroll.
Hi @All, I'm very happy to let you know that it is now possible to sort by Date Created in the List View:
Lisa Community Team at Wrike Wrike Product Manager Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover
Lisa Wrike Team member Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover
Yes!!!!!!! Thank you a million.
This would be beneficial if you could sort by the created date in the Recycle Bin. When clearing out old tasks, it would be helpful to know when they were created.