How do large businesses manage the reporting function?
Found various usability issues with reports that would seemingly undermine the efficiency of business operations in Wrike.
1) Is it possible to add multiple "Greater than" filters to a set of data so that we can generate a report on more than one set of numerical data? What currently happens when we set the filters to two numerical columns with a "greater than" value, is that it only finds the data that fits BOTH filters, while we need it to find data that fits ONE OR THE OTHER of the filters.
In our case, one column is an estimate, and the other is an exact value so we need to be able to see all projects that display greater than "700" in ONE of two columns, not in BOTH columns.
2) How can we change the permissions so that anyone can share reports and/or export them to excel? Currently only the report creator can do this and it's impractical to have everyone in the business creating their own exact replica of our standard master report so that they can properly use it. We need a consistent report that can be viewed, shared, and exported by all team members.
3) When a report is opened with multiple columns, each set of data is squashed horizontally, as to fit the whole report on one page, but this makes all of the data unreadable. As a company that needs the ability to allow clients to view these reports in real time through the collaborator function, how can we allow the report to be immediately readable rather than having them meticulously expanding each of the many columns so that they can view that data?
4) Unrelated to reports, but the live chat function is constantly not visible on the help screen for me, all I can see is the "Ask Wrike" button as I pressed to get here.
Thanks in advance!
Hi Monty, thank you for getting in touch on the Community, and sorry for the delay in getting back to you! Let me go over the points you raised one by one:
Looking forward to continuing this conversation!
Thanks for the response Anastasia.
1) Sorry, this is a difficult question to word :) At the moment, if enable the filters: <700 (estimate) and <700 (exact), we get a report that shows projects with BOTH filters satisfied, rather than one or the other.
In our case, we need to be able to see projects with values that fill one OR both of the filters. Sorry, is that clearer?
2) No worries, we can live with this.
3) Our larger reports can often have more than 20 columns, this was managed previously before we integrated to Wrike by simply scrolling across in Google Spreadsheets as the columns would remain expanded. Basically it would be nice to have a report open across the page, rather than having it automatically squash all columns as to fit on one page. Perhaps a "spread across page" option in the same section as the "text wrap" button (I'm not the expert though).
A good example of what I mean by this is just to look in the table view at a list of projects with 20 or so custom fields and you'll see that it just makes you scroll across the page to view everything, instead of trying to fit it all on one page.
Thanks for the help, Monty.
Monty, thanks for the clarification, this is helpful! We don't have any existing posts with requests for that functionality, and it would be fantastic to see those requests in the Product Feedback section for others to vote for. I really appreciate the time you took to write up these thoughts and ideas about Reports, it's great learning about how your team uses different features and what enhancements could help.
Monty, looks like I found a request similar to what you were looking for in your first point: Filtering by Custom Column Values - AND/OR Logic. Happy to see your vote there!
Hi Monty! I wanted to let you know that we just released some Report Updates, and one of them is that a column's width and position is now automatically saved, so there's no need to adjust the view each time you open a Report. :)