Review a request before submitting

If would be really great, if before a user clicked submit, they could review all the information they have entered into a request form on one page before it gets submitted.


We're noticing users are needing to amend requests after they are submitted because they overlooked a question or needed to add more information, made a typo etc.


It would be cool if between entering the information and submitting the request it would say "please review the details you have submitted"

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Stephanie Westbrook

Hi Holly :) Would this be primarily for people who don't have access to Wrike (people who submit a Request via an external form url)? Those people wouldn't be able to go into Wrike and amend their answers. 

And just want to double check one thing: are you using the required question option? It may be that some questions are only required in some cases, so you leave them as optional (which makes sense), but want to mention it just in case. 

👍 Spot On 💡 Innovative Approach 💪 Stellar Advice ✅ Solved 🪄 Remove Kudos

Hey Stephanie !

It would be for internal & external forms.

We have a couple of pages in our request (because we use the dynamic features) and there's no way for the requester to re-read what they've written in full without going back through each page to check it.

Would be great if there was just a step that showed the entire job for proof-reading and sense-checking it before it is submitted, as our users think if they hit the back button to check information that their information will be lost, or they end up repeating themselves as they forget what they entered on a previous page.


Our users are also only set up as collaborators so they can't amend the task once it's submitted as they only need to be able to put in a request and see the final result.


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Stephanie Westbrook

Okay, that definitely makes sense. That people think they might lose information if they go back is extremely helpful as well. We'll pass this on to our Product Team. 

Thanks Holly :)

👍 Spot On 💡 Innovative Approach 💪 Stellar Advice ✅ Solved 🪄 Remove Kudos

Great thank you :)

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