Report Grouping View after Recent Update
After the Most Recent update, the title of the field which you are grouping by was removed from the body of the report, and only the values of the grouping remain. This makes it harder to know which grouping you are looking at when the report is fully expanded. Please let me know if this explanation is sufficient or if I need to further elaborate the problem.
Hi Sam, I apologize for the very delayed reply here. We released a fix to address this, so you can now see the groupings in the Report body!
Hi Stephanie, as much I'd I hate to disagree with you, I am not seeing the groupings in the report body. To be clear, I am looking at a projects only report in table layout. Your additional feedback would be appreciated. Thanks
Hi Sam, no problem at all! That helps, I've recreated that type of Report, and think I am still seeing the groupings (highlighting them with red arrows on the screenshot). Are you seeing those or were you referring to other groupings?
Hi Sam! I talked with one of my colleagues and I think I understand what you're referring to now. You would like the Report to show the name of the actual groupings you're applying on the Report. For example, if you've applied a "Parent Folder" grouping, it would tell you that on the Report. The team wants to fix this and I'm going to create a ticket so that our internal team can escalate the issue.
Hi Stephanie. I wanted to follow up on this issue since it still seems to be unresolved. I think you understand the problem based on your email above. My specific example is that I've created a bunch of custom column radio buttons & when I group by those custom columns, all you see are "Yes" & "No" groupings without the context of the title of the grouping. It gets very confusing when looking at a large dataset. Any update you have would be appreciated. Thanks
Hi Sam, I'm sorry for the delayed reply here. The team is keeping the view as is so to try and keep it more streamlined, but they're aware that this is a request and we will keep them updated about any new votes and/or comments.