Print/Export Project Comments with "show all" expanded - PLEASE!! :)

Remove "show more" from comments – Wrike Help portal

  • We use Wrike to actively manage our installation projects, but when the installation is complete, we would like to export/print the comments section of the project and archive it in our customer records with the rest of the project documentation. We use the "email updates to this project" feature a LOT, and even when I expand the "show all" feature on these emailed comments (manually by clicking each and every one), when I select print, it still prints the collapsed version.

    Very frustrating to have all of that dialogue stuck there instead of being able to save a record on my network with the rest of the project records. Please fix!!


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👍 Spot On 💡 Innovative Approach 💪 Stellar Advice ✅ Solved 🪄 Remove Kudos

Hi Bethany, thank you for taking the time to submit this suggestion as a separate request! :)

👍 Spot On 💡 Innovative Approach 💪 Stellar Advice ✅ Solved 🪄 Remove Kudos

Yes, this is something that we would also appreciate having - the ability to export comments on a project. Most of our project managers are updating the comment section. However, when we export the information out for reports/meeting update, it does not show any of the comments. This would be a great option to add for users who need to see comments on a task/project.

👍 Spot On 💡 Innovative Approach 💪 Stellar Advice ✅ Solved 🪄 Remove Kudos

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