Table View & Project View
It seems odd that when viewing a project in table view, I can input values that then see them totalling or reflecting in the top row (the project front sheet row) however when I look at the project front sheet those value aren't being displayed.
It would make sense if that top row is going to total the values beneath that it would show that total on the front sheet
Hi Kat, thanks for posting this idea here! The sum displayed in Table View is based on the filtering criteria which are set for the current view, so there's no way of knowing which exact set of data should be displayed in the Project info panel. I'd love to learn a bit more about how you envision this, and which sets of data you'd like to see totaled. Looking forward to hearing from you!
It would be useful to be able to set default settings to table view while viewing projects and folders, rather than changing sort and filters each time you move from that folder. Is this something you may consider developing, please?