Acknowledging comments within tasks or projects
Add a "acknowledge" button to comments, such as a thumbs up or star.
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Add a "acknowledge" button to comments, such as a thumbs up or star.
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Hi Katie, it's actually perfect timing for this feedback! We just released reactions in the Workspace, so you can now react to comments with emojis (like the thumbs up one) and use those as a way to acknowledge having read something. To add a reaction: hover over a comment, click the emoji icon, and select which reaction you want to add. If someone else already reacted with something, you can click the existing emoji to add a +1.
Let me know what you think about it!
but the reaction doesn't trigger a notification.. it would be great if we gets notified.
Hi Wei, thanks for that feedback here, that's definitely an interesting suggestion. Would love to hear how you would use reactions vs. @mentions (which do trigger notifications)?
We have some people use an emoji reaction "thumbs up" for their approval response. Someone will comment "Is this good to go?" and they'll react with a thumbs up. Because it doesn't trigger a notification, it can cause delays.
For now, we've been having to educate people to use reactions for simple acknowledgments rather than for approvals. It would be nice to have a notification preference for this that you can at least check/uncheck.
Thanks for getting back Lauren, this makes sense and helps our Teams understand the benefits this feature idea can bring to a team 👍
Having used Slack in the past, I expected reacting to a comment to trigger a notification. Having to @mention someone(s) just to give a simple approval or acknowledgement (to let the person who commented know that the comment was seen) seems like an unnecessary step.
This would be really helpful. Not sure how this fits in with all the other things you are trying to do at Wrike, but it definitely would be more efficient rather than always @mention someone.