Opening subtasks from email notification - not clear


I have noticed recently that some of our vendors who open Wrike tasks from their email notifications don't notice that they are actually opening a subtask. When opening straight from an email there isn't anything clear in the display that the task has a related parent task which could possibly hold some of the information needed. 


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Stephanie Westbrook

Hi Katie, thanks for reaching out! While email notifications for subtasks do list the parent task's name (in grey text at the very top of the email), I can see how this would be easy to miss (especially if you're not looking for it). Once you open the task in Wrike, there's also a link to the parent task (it's located immediately above the subtask's title). I'll make sure to direct people here if they have similar requests, but I did want to mention a couple of tips in the meantime. Letting people know where a parent task is listed in email notifications/in Wrike could help people check for the parent task information. Another option might be to include a note in the subtask's description field stating that people should check the parent task for more details. 

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Hi Stephanie, 

Thanks for your response on this. You're right in that the parent task is displayed in two areas on the page, however they are quite discreet so I will definitely take your advice and make a note that the task has been created as a subtask. 



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Stephanie Westbrook

Hi Katie, yes, they are discreet. Let me know if anything else comes up!

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I feel like this functionality would be more useful if there were a way to go back and forward, like on a webpage.  Why?  Some of the links in the email are not useful. 

If I click on the project/folder link in the email, it loads the project but none of the tasks or subtasks.  So to get from the email to the full project, I have to click on the parent taks, then in Wrike I have to click on the project/folder name.

If I use subtasks to track indidivual responses to a single question, where do I put the question?  If I put it in the parent taks then my people don't see it in the email.  If I put it in the subtask for every person, then I have to copy and paste it multiple times. 

I think it would be great if the text for a project got put into all the meails so that every person knew what the project was about.

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Hi Alan, thanks for this. Although there are no immediate plans to make changes to email notifications our Team is always interested in hearing how people would like to see this stuff so thanks for sharing 🙌


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