[Released (Wrike Labs)]: Comments Spell Check ?
CompletedWhy why why is there no spell check in the comment box?
There is spell check in the task titles, description boxes, basically everywhere except the comment section.
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Why why why is there no spell check in the comment box?
There is spell check in the task titles, description boxes, basically everywhere except the comment section.
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Just a reminder that spellcheck for the Comments section is now available to activate in Wrike Labs (thanks to the input on this post 🙌)
As it's in Labs, it's experimental and may not work for all languages and browsers. If you're using it, feedback for our Product Team is more than welcome, post below or click 'feedback' under the Labs option.
Hi Allison, thank you for posting this request! The spellcheck functionality which is available in task titles and description fields is powered by your browser's built-in spellchecker, as this isn't currently supported in Wrike. That said, we understand that the ability to enable spellcheck either by the means of your browser or with a native Wrike feature would make for a more streamlined experience, and this is something we're currently looking into :)
I would appreciate this too as well. Was just on here searching the same thing.
That feature has been requested earlier. Could not find post.
Please integrate spell checking for comments as well.
I would also really like this feature.
I would appreciate this as well.
MUST have for dealing with clients on a day to day basis. would love this feature too please.
Hi everyone, thanks for adding your comments here! If you haven't already, make sure to add your votes by clicking the "+" under the original post, this will help us understand the popularity of this request. :)
Would love to have this feature.
Hi everyone! I wanted to include some additional info and suggestions which were shared by another Community member, Genevieve, in a similar post. I think these suggestions are interesting too, and I'm adding them here to keep the requests consolidated:
"Spell Check/Type Formatting for Comment Boxes on Tasks Unfollow: It would be amazing if in the comment sections in tasks there was the ability to set hierarchy in the text (bold, underline, highlight.. etc..) and spell check (/smart type). Thank you!"
Thanks for sharing your thoughts on this! :)
Would really appreciate spell check in the comments box in Wrike.
Agree: this would be a great added feature!
On a scale of 1 (Not At All Important) to 10 (Extremely important), how important would Spellcheck in Comments be to my work?
Answer: 10
On a scale of 1 to 10, how important is the insipid and distracting emoji library in Comments to my work?
Answer: 1
Thank You.
Here's another time-saving feature suggestion: to streamline reading and upvoting each and every Comment posted to this thread, it would be great to have a "PLUS ALL" (bulk Like) button to save time clicking the "+" under each original post.
@Nadia Open new issue for your last post.
Hi Nadia, spell check is definitely a great suggestion (and something I think a lot of us rely on). Thanks for letting us know that it's something extremely important to your team.
In terms of upvoting - for feature suggestions (like this one) we focus on the number of upvotes to the first post in the thread and use that (along with comments) to tally how many requests there are for a particular feature. So as long as you upvote that first post, we have your vote tallied. Upvoting individual comments is great as well if you want to show that you are especially supportive of the points someone is making in their comment.
Hi Stephanie, Thanks for the clarification on voting. I did not realize that tallies for a Suggestion and its related Comments were kept separate. Good to know!
@Nadia awesome, glad that helped to clarify!
Spell check should be a low hanging, easy to implement feature. Please make it possible.
Make spell check possible please, in all segments of the work space, not just selective ones.
Might be a nice idea, since the browser's spellcheck doesn't automatically work in the comment boxes for me (using chrome with grammerly extension),
Hi everyone, I have some great news to start the week! :) We just released a beta experimental version of Spellcheck in comments, which can be enabled individually in Wrike Labs. Hope you like it, and I'll be happy to hear your feedback about this! :)
This is very exciting! I just added the Spellcheck Beta to my account and am looking forward to testing it out immediately. I am not the most accurate typist and make a ton of typos, so it will be very helpful to my workflow. I have grown to depend on Grammarly across several other applications. Thank you Wrike!
Hooray! Wrike spell check works, though it doesn't seem to recognize the word Wrike...
I don't get spell-check to work in my comments on Wrike's mobile app, even with the beta feature enabled.
When will that get resolved?
Hi Nikhil! Spellcheck on mobile isn't part of the native Wrike functionality, but it can be enabled in your phone settings (varies between devices, but usually found under Languages -> Keyboard settings). Let me know what kind of device you have if you need any assistance enabling this, I'll be happy to help! :)
I get the spell check to work in Internet Explorer, but not in Chrome. Can this be added to the Chrome browser as most user in my company run Chrome?
Agree with Alan, need for Chrome please
Hi Alan and Claire, thanks for getting in touch here! Spell check is an experimental feature, but when enabled in Wrike Labs, should work in Chrome. Could you please check on the Wrike Labs page that the box next to this feature is checked, and if it is, please let me know so I could send this over to our Support Team for further investigation.
Thank you for getting back to me. It seems to be working in Chrome now. Oddly, I did not change at all. Maybe it just needed a bit to sync the change and reflect in Chrome. Thanks for your help.