[Status: Launched! ๐Ÿš€] Sort Comments by Newest at the top

Can we have the newest comments on projects and tasks be at the top of the list of comments? This allows me to see at a glance the latest comment instead of having to scroll to the bottom of the list.


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Ideally, this would be a setting a user could specify, instead of forcing all users to one approach. ย But I wholeheartedly agree that the comments should be sorted by Newest first. ย It would make the interface more efficient.

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Hi everyone, thank you for sharing your ideas! We're currently working on several improvements to the comments section, and it's great to hear your insight about this :)

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Yes please!! This would make life even easier!ย 

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Agree this would be great!

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Another vote in favour of this one.

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When working in the comment/status view for a task, we were looking for a way to have the most recent comments viewable at the top of the list instead of having to scroll down to the bottom. Is anyone else interested in this option? When you have multiple people posting, its can be time consuming to do this. Thanks, Jessica!

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This feature is a must.

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Yes please!

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This. Definitely!

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Newest at the top would be really helpful!

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Another "YES" As someone who has to preflight print materials having things hidden or in the reverse order is frustrating. Newest to the top of comments field. AND no "Show More" feature only a "Show Less" feature AND the ability to scroll thorough a long list of comments WITHOUT having to click on anything!!!!!!!!!!


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Any timeline when this will be done Wrike?


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Another yes.

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Please, please, please...

Newest on top is pretty much a web and mobile standard these days. Time to catch up!

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Agree with all other comments... this is an important usability feature. Ideally would be a preference that could be set by admin and/or user preference?

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We are ideally looking to see the most recent comment/note of a project at the top and in one area so we don't have to fish through each Milestone, Task or sub-task.

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It would be an improvement for a product which is already extraordinary

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Yes! Much needed for our entire team please!


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I'm guessing there have been no updates to sorting comments? ย Would be VERY helpful to be able to customize how the comments are displayed, especially when there are 20-50 comments in a task!

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I've noticed other people are posting comments outside this community regarding sorting the comments, saying to add their voice to this community. ย Is this a feature that Wrike is intending to create? ย It seems very logical to have. ย 

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Much needed please.ย 

This way, we could use the comment filed as the "latest update" on the task,

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Hi everyone, thanks for sharing your thoughts here. Let me explain the logic behind this: in Wrike a task is treated as a topic, and a taskโ€™s comments are treated as replies to the topic. If you look atย itย from this perspective, itโ€™s pretty common to show the newest comments at the bottom.
However, our Product team wants to analyze this, so it would be really helpful to have examples of tools where the proposed logic is used, and Iโ€™d appreciate if you could share them here.ย 

Anna G Community Team at Wrike Wrike Product Manager Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover

Anna G Wrike Team member Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover

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I understand your point. The ideal would be to have the option: newest comment on top or at bottom. I don't have any example of tools that show newest comments on top, but here is why we need it:ย ย we use comments to add precisions to the status of the task; it's like the latest news about the task to keep everyone informed. For instance, if someone puts the task "on hold", we write why it's on hold, what is being done to solve the problem, and when we expect the problem to be solved, So when you open the task, the first thing you would see is this "latest news",ย 

Our comments look like:

-"on hold" I asked precisions to the client

"the client should get back to us next friday

- the client is late, i'll meet with him tomorrow, i'll have the update

- Here is the requested change by the client:....ย 


In our work flow, the latest comment is always the most important for the task being done, so that's why it would help if the latest comment was the first you see.ย 

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I have more ease to write in German, thank you for your understanding.

Bei unserer Arbeit ist es relevant der letzte Eintrag der zu einer Aufgabe gehรถrt als erstes einsehen zu kรถnnen, sei es ein Kommentar oder eine Aktualisierung.

Wir wรผrden enorm schรคtzen wenn der aktuelle Filter mit der Mรถglichkeit der Sortierung nach Letztem oder Erstem Eintrag erweitert wรผrde, wรคhren der Filter "Alle Akzualisierungen / Nur Kommentare" beibehalten wรผrde. Zum Beispiel:

Im Voraus vielen Dank ans Product team

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Thanks for weighing in, Anna. The most obvious example is any email system. The most recent, relevant email (or "comment") appears on top. If we need to scroll down for historical comments or information then we can do that. Also, in email systems we have the ability to sort by date (newest/oldest).ย 

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I use wrike to give feedback to designers on projects they are working. ย If i put new comments in and they dont happen to scroll all the way to the bottom, they see feedback i have already given, and the project doesntย move forward. ย another department in our company uses a different project management tool with comments at the top and it is MUCH easier to follow where the project is. ย And as Kevin said, email is probably the most relevant. ย you dont have to scroll to the bottom of your inbox to find your new emails, why do you have to scroll to the bottom of the task to find your new comments?

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I appreciate the team taking up this request.ย 

The logic your team has applied, that "In Wrike a task is treated as a topic, and a taskโ€™s comments are treated as replies to the topic" is correct for the paradigm of a forum. If we examine the user interface as a forum your team absolutely holds to the paradigm.ย 

However, this structure is not the way your end users are trained to see and use the program.ย 

In the Wrike training video "Collaborating and Inbox" the voiceover cites using the commenting area as a way to collaborate on tasks. This teachesย the end user to utilize this area as a mode of conversation to exchange comments, leave updates, suggestions, feedback and questions. There is even the functionality to @-Mention another user to draw them into the conversation. This is not a forum paradigmย but a conversational paradigm. As such, in conversations we need to view the latest remark FIRST and then be able to trace backward through the commenting history.

Email and texting both work on the conversation paradigm, presenting the latest information first (or at least leveraging the option for the user to determine their own preference based on need).

So, while the Wrike team is correct about the forum paradigm, the Wrike marketing and tutorials teaches a different use-case that dictates a conversational paradigm.ย 

Lastly, I am not sure of other companies, but when I utilize @-Mention to tag a co-worker they generally respond WITHIN the commenting framework and do not add details to the task's description. Again, this reinforces the conversational paradigm.ย 

I hope that helps.

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Stephanie Westbrook

Hi everyone, thank you for all the comments here today! We're going to make sure to take this back to our Product team so they can see your suggestions and well-thought out logic.

I do want to quickly clarify that the team hasn't committed to changing the current functionality but was interested in hearing more from you on this topic. This affects one of the most basic ways that people use Wrike (for collaboration), so it's of course a large discussion and we want to make sure we're getting it right.ย 

I was curious...when you click on a notification from Wrike's Inbox, it takes you right to the comment where you were @mentioned. Do you normally go to tasks without an @mention to check for updates, or maybe get to tasks from email notifications?

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