Folllowing List for Post: Fix that tasks not assigned to me remain in My Work
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Folllowing List for Post: Fix that tasks not assigned to me remain in My Work
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Tasks that have been manually moved do not follow the My Work rules anymore and need to be manually managed. (see https://help.wrike.com/hc/en-us/articles/210323685-My-Work) This creates the scenario that for manually moved tasks:
1. The task remains in My Work even if unassigned from me and given to someone else
2. Does not change to a 'Later' section in My Work when the task is rescheduled
3. Does not appear in 'Today' when the new start date becomes relevant.
The proposed fix is to:
1. Have any task that is not assigned to me removed from My Work (manually moved or not)
2. Have an indicator in the task to know whether the task has been manually moved (and therefor needs to be manually managed)
3. Have an option to make the task 'automatically' move again.
Hello again :) You're right about all three points for the non-Labs version of My Work. Happily, Point 1 has been resolved in the new Labs version of My Work, so when you move a task from one section to another, and then unassign yourself, the task is automatically removed from My Work. However, it appears that tasks that you manually moved and unassigned when the old My Work was enabled continue to appear in the new My Work (I'm reporting this as a bug).
Keep the suggestions coming!
I still have this problem :
1. The task remains in My Work even if unassigned from me
I have to Click the pin icon that appears in the upper right-hand corner of the Task View and Select “Unpin from My Work” in addition to unassign me
Is there a solution to avoid the double manipulation ?
Thank you
@Camille Hey, sorry for the long response here. Please let me know if you're still experiencing described behavior, I can raise a Support ticket for you 🙌
Lisa Community Team at Wrike Wrike Product Manager Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover
Lisa Wrike Team member Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover
I have the exact same problem that Camille described. Unpinning works (but should not be necessary).
I don't think a support ticket is needed, it seems to me that it's a bug that needs to be fixed in Wrike in general?