Learn about 'Show Full Workload' option

The Workload View is great for deciding who would be the best assignee for a task. Before the Workload View showed only tasks from specific Folders or Projects, but now you can use the “Show full workload” option to get a more comprehensive view of everything someone is working on.

When you click “Show full workload” from the Workload View you’ll see users’ tasks from other Folders and Projects (as long as those tasks are shared with you).

Use this option to

  • See the big picture so that you can give team members the right amount of tasks, not more and not less.
  • Monitor your own Workload and get a better idea of what you need to work on during certain time periods.
  • Reassign tasks from all Folders/Projects easily. You can drag and drop tasks from one assignee to another (even tasks from other Folders/Projects.

To help you differentiate between tasks, tasks from the selected Folder or Project look different from tasks from other Folders and Projects:

  • Tasks from the current Project are color-coded according to their statuses. 1
  • Tasks from all other Folders and Projects are transparent. 2

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