Update and Reassign Tasks via Email
Update Task Details via Email
You can easily update task details or add comments via email. Just add “RE:” and the task’s name* in the email’s subject line, then:
- If you want to share the task with someone, add their emails in the “CC:” field.
- Add new start and end dates in square brackets to reschedule a task.
- Add the new status in square brackets at the end of the subject line. For Custom Statuses: add “CS: ” before a statuses name**.
- Write your comment in the email’s body.
- Add any images or files which you want to attach to a task.
When the email has all the necessary details, send it to “wrike@wrike.com” and all updates will show up in Wrike.
* If you have multiple tasks with the same name, add the name of the Folder where the task lives in square brackets at the beginning of the Subject line.
** Custom Statuses are case sensitive.
Reassign a Task via Email
To change a task’s assignee:
- Add “Fwd:” in the email’s subject line.
- Add the new assignee's email and wrike@wrike.com in the “To:” field.
- Write your comment in the email’s body.
Send the email and the task will be reassigned.
Anna G Community Team at Wrike Wrike Product Manager Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover
Anna G Wrike Team member Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover
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