Blueprint | Set a task start date as "now"?
Hi everyone,
When we create a new project from a blueprint, we reschedule it based on the end date which makes more sense for us.
However, some tasks can start as soon as the project is created. For now, the dates for these particular tasks are empty in the blueprint and we add them manually. I was wondering if we can set a date as "now" in the blueprint, so when we create the project, it's adding the date of the day.
Or is there other ways to work with dates in blueprint? I am happy to hear your methods!
Thanks 🙂
Hi Marie-Pier Couture,
have you tried to use form to create project based on blueprints?
You can indicate START DATE in form
and use it to reschedule tasks.
Thanks Pietro! I didn't try the forms yet to start a project from a blueprint. We'll definitely give it a try in the next few weeks.