How to GET/POST task predecessor values?

How does one access task "Predecessor" values visible in Gantt chart via API?

I need to be able to POST tasks with defined dependencies and lag time without having to manually add the lag in the Gantt chart.

I am using the POST/tasks/{taskId}/dependencies method to create the dependencies, but can't find any reference how to add the lag time, such as "34FS +30d".

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9 Kommentare

Hey Scribe Connector, there is a way to modify dependencies through the API mentioned in the documentation here. Let me know if this helped, and if you need any further assistance, I can raise a Support ticket for you if you'd like!

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Hi, Hugh.

Thanks for the response. I am using that method to get and create dependencies, but it doesn't provide a means to set a date offset associated with the relationType.

So the first task in the image I attached (Phase 2) would be not problem, since it is a successor to item #2 with relationType
FinishToStart". But to set the dependency for the other items, such as *Gap Remediation Month 1", the dependency is "34FS +30d", to start 30 days after the finish of item #34.

I am looking for a method to specify the +30d, for example.

A query of tasks for item #2 returns, followed by query of task dependencies. Neither includes the "Predecessor" offset value.

  "data": [
      "title""*Gap Remediation Month 2",
      "parentIds": [
      "superParentIds": [
      "sharedIds": [
      "responsibleIds": [],
      "dates": {
      "authorIds": [
      "followerIds": [
      "superTaskIds": [
      "subTaskIds": [],
      "dependencyIds": [
      "metadata": [],
      "customFields": [
  "data": [
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Hey Scribe Connector, I've raised a Support ticket for you. Someone should be in contact with you soon!

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Hi Doug,


in case you solved your issue, would you please let us know how? I am also working with API and task dependency creation and could benefit from this extra opportunity.


Many Thanks


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Hey Andreas Wastl! I've just checked with the team: at the moment the lead and lag feature is not supported by our API methods, and you would need to manually add +30d in the Predecessor column within the Workspace. Hope this helps! 


Lisa Community Team at Wrike Wrike Product Manager Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover

Lisa Wrike Team member Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover

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I just ran into this issue too. I need to be able to read the lag data using the API

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Lisa K.

Hi Michael Snadden, as for now it's not possible to read lead and lag time using API methods. I believe your idea would make a great contribution to the Product Feedback section. Our Development team uses this section as a source of inspiration and incorporates popular requests into the product roadmap. Thank you for your help in advance. See you there!😉

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@... the link in your last comment to the product feedback section doesn't seem to work. I found the section myself and added a new post there, but that new post doesn't look any different than this post. Can you tell me how to submit a post in the right place? The new post that I attempted to add to the Product Feedback section is:

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Hello Michael Snadden, hope you don't mind me jumping in for Lisa. I've just moved your post to our Product Feedback Forum, where we have a different format, more detail on that can be found here.

We receive and pass on feedback from all channels, like this API forum, but other Community members will be able to upvote your idea in the Product Feedback forum so that the team can assess its popularity. Please let me know if you have any questions 🙋🏻‍♀️

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