[Status: Not Planned] Account Owners cannot delete Space if it is created by another user


Currently space is only allowed to be deleted by Space admin, the account owner has no right to delete it, this is frustrating.


Account owner should be able to delete any Spaces regardless he or she create it or not.


Steps to reproduce:

  • User A (account owner)
  • User B (regular user)
  • User B creates Space X, User B is now Admin of Space X
  • User A attempts to delete Space X

Current result

There is no any menu to User A, so User A can delete Space X


Expected result

User A must be able to delete any spaces in the account

Upvote 77
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46 Kommentare

Up Voting!  While spaces are great for organization, the account owner needs to have rights to delete, move, see, etc. to Spaces.

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As the account owner, you do have the option of deciding who gets to create Spaces.

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Hey guys, thanks so much for your feedback!

Account admins on the Enterprise subscription can choose if regular users should have the right to create Spaces or not.

To do so:

1. Click on your profile picture in the upper-right corner of the workspace.
2. Click “Account Management”.
3. Select the “Security” tab.
4. Scroll to the “Create Spaces” section and choose one of the following two options for who can create Spaces in the account:

  • Owner and administrators only
  • Regular users, owner and administrators

5. Click “Save changes”

In case you limit the ability to create Spaces to the owner and account admins, these will be the only people who can delete Spaces as well.

Please let me know if that helped 👐

Lisa Community Team at Wrike Wrike Product Manager Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover

Lisa Wrike Team member Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover

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Hi Lisa


We don't concern who creates Space but we do concern the system doesn't allow  the space to be deleted by Account Owner if it is created by other users


Regarding Enterprise subscription, the issue is quite BUG rather the optional/enterprise feature

as you see in Security Options in Enterprise Account,   whether you choose 

  • Owner and Administrator only  (I sense this is default value)
  • Regular users, owner  and administrators


Account owner or administrator ALWAYS have the right to  create and delete space,  

in other word, whether options you choose,  the user who creates space, always have right to delete space

Create & Delete space should be DEFAULT behavior regardless the pricing tier accounts belong to, if user is an owner


To be specific about security tab, it is used to controls whether regular user will be able to create and delete space.  It is not to control who can create or delete space as separate permissions 


Please consider the fix for the issue.


Thank you,


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I have to agree, the Owner should be able to delete / manage any space. This is the situation I now find myself in (I'm new here):

  • Started trial account and created a space to try things out in.
  • Transitioned to a paid account 
  • Changed ownership of the account to my work account
  • Deleted original owner account used for the trial


  • I now have a space in my account that I cannot delete, as there is no space admin for that space
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Hi everyone, thanks for the feedback! I don't have an update for you at the moment, as soon as I have one I'll let you know. Also, once this post reaches 60 upvotes, our Product team will be able to provide a status here.

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Same problem, this is really frustrating.  Especially when a user that created a space is no longer available to close it out.  Admins should absolutely have the ability to delete spaces users have created.  This feels like a bug more than a lack of feature.  

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Hi Justin Strasser, thank you for your feedback here. It's been passed on to the Product team.

There are currently no plans to implement this suggestion into the short-term roadmap. If anything changes, I'll let you know.

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Agree 1,000% with Justin Strasser.   It is completely insane that the account owner does not have total control of his/her account.   It's like saying that you are not allowed to remodel anything in your home, or do any repairs to your car...  seriously, this is a BUG.   Account owners MUST be able to delete or EDIT anything in the account, or in the very least assign a new admin to a space.

Wrike normally does a great job of providing flexibility for all types of users, but account owners don't have the same flexibility?  If the admin who created the space can delete it or assign another admin, why in the @#$! can't the account owner???

Beyond frustrating.  We had an employee resign abruptly, who was both the account owner and the admin of some spaces.  We had to jump through hoops to get the account ownership changed, and now the new account owner finds out that he cannot appoint a new admin for any of those spaces created by the former employee.  This is a very basic thing to need to do...

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Hello, John Rakoczy thank you for posting.
I'm checking with the Product team to see if there are any plans for this functionality to be added to the roadmap.
I'll be back here to give you an update if I get one 🙋🏻‍♀️
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thanks @... but let's please use the correct terminology... this isn't new functionality like a new feature... it's a core product defect that needs correction.  "Owners" need full control over the thing they own, and they do not at least in this case!  :)

OR... don't call the account owner an "owner" because they are nothing but another admin ;)


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Just checking in.  This really needs to be a TOP priority.  Giving permissions who can create a space is NOT the same thing as being able to manage your account if you are a system admin or account owner.  

Admins/Owners MUST BE ABLE TO PRUNE AND MANAGE SPACES.   Your product for all it's good... is hobbled and made useless if you don't fix this bug.   I'm still in disbelief that Wrike thinks that once a space is created, it should never be able to be deleted.  Seriously???????   Imagine if Microsoft thought as you did?   Have you ever deleted a folder in Windows???   SAME THING.   

This is a BUG.  Repeat--- if Windows suddenly stopped allowing users to delete folders, it would be a #1 priority to fix this bug so you wouldn't bother with it if you were Microsoft?  Y'all need to take this seriously.  Please.

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Upvote. This is stupid that as owner I cannot go in and clean up spaced created by multiple employees and move things around. I am the OWNER and Chief TROUBLESHOOTER. How can I make things right remote;ly for employees when this simple feature isn't addressed.

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Bob Schneider Justin Strasser Rich Teachout

to "upvote" a topic, you must click the heart icon on the first post for a topic.  If you haven't already done so, please go to the top and hit that heart button.  Also, I would suggest giving the URL to this topic to all of your regular Wrike users and ask them to do the same.  Wrike won't even consider a request if it doesn't have enough "upvotes".  I am my local employer's Wrike champion and I'm about to ask my users to do the same. 

Imagine if Microsoft, Apple, or Unix never allowed you to delete any folders once you create them?  Same thing here.  It's insane.

@... please treat this as a product bug/defect.  It truly is something that needs to be fixed asap.  In fact, any "admin" should be able to do this... it's what ADMINS do... administrate a system.

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This seems to be pretty basic functionality. "Owner" owns the account, ie should have the ability to remove data. If the account owner cancels the subscription, wouldn't the space be deleted?

I am now in a position where the IT team has to ask someone that was part of this product's initial pilot (and set up spaces) to delete stuff. Yikes.

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Hey again, everyone! Thanks a lot for your continued support here 🙌

We don't currently have an update from the Product team on this, but we'll continue to pass on your feedback here and once we have an update, we'll make sure to let you know.

Lisa Community Team at Wrike Wrike Product Manager Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover

Lisa Wrike Team member Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover

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Hi Lisa thanks for the update.  If there is a production issue team that solves bugs, vs the product team which looks at future enhancements... please make sure the production support team is aware and treats this like a bug.  It really does cripple the software if items can't be deleted except by whoever created it.... things happen to people and it is shortsighted to limit deletion of items in this way.

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So there I was. Asked the user that created my team's space in our tenant to make us space admin.
They told us that we were already admins. When back and forth a few times and did not get it done. So I just went through and deleted all the assets (projects/tasks) and left the empty space.

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Hi, it would also be great if you could change the space admin. A colleague left and she created a lot of important spaces for internal use. She is now the admin of those spaces, which is confusing. 

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Hi Jonas Verhaeghe, welcome to the Community! 👋 

It should be possible to change a space admin. When you create a space you automatically become the space admin and if needed, you can add other space admins and then also remove yourself from the list of space admins. Here's more info on that on our Help Center. Can you tell me if this helps? 

Lisa Community Team at Wrike Wrike Product Manager Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover

Lisa Wrike Team member Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover

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Lisa That only helps if people remember to do that ;)  It should be a default setting for the admin, to check/uncheck to allow other admins to take control of spaces they did not create.  That would solve this issue in a nano-second.  Now if the admin leaves an organization or is otherwise unavailable... that is another matter entirely to transfer control/ownership (there should be a back-up admin/owner btw for that scenario).

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Hi John Rakoczy, thanks for posting! I hope you don't mind me jumping in for Lisa. Thanks for clarifying your feedback, the Product team is aware of it and we'll be sure to let you know if there are any updates in relation to this.

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I agree with John Rakoczy above.  This is core functionality missing, not a nice-to-have feature users would like to have someday.  Account owner needs to have control of the account.  In instances where this is not the case, it's a deal-breaking bug and should be treated with that level of priority.

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Thanks for supporting the suggestion here, Brian Krause! Please rest assured that our Product team is aware of this feedback and we pass on all the feedback from this thread to them regularly.

Make sure to upvote the original post above if you haven't yet - the number of votes helps the team understand how popular the suggestion is. Here's more detail on that, but please let me know if you have any questions! 

Lisa Community Team at Wrike Wrike Product Manager Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover

Lisa Wrike Team member Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover

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Thanks, Lisa.  As I was thinking more on this, it really is a BIG problem.  Not only does it create administrative headaches, with users being able to junk up the account by creating spaces and content that management can't see, prevent, or remove, it creates a pretty big security and liability issue, as well.  If a user uploads prohibited content that management has no way of knowing about and no way to remove it, that could lead to some pretty scary outcomes. 

I'm hoping this gets resolved soon.  Right now we're a pretty small team, so managing this liability is workable, but we're growing.  As our team gets larger, it's going be more likely that problems around this will arise, and we'll have to migrate to a platform where the account owners can actually see what's going on.  Until this gets fixed, I certainly can't recommend Wrike to other companies.

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Thank you for the additional feedback Brian Krause! I'll get back to you if there's an update from the Product team here 👍

Lisa Community Team at Wrike Wrike Product Manager Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover

Lisa Wrike Team member Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover

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Following this thread because it's hard to believe that this is not already a feature. Backing up what everyone said, I just joined the company and took over our Wrike but there is absolutely zero visibility on what we are doing with the tool until someone adds you to the space. How is this even possible?

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Hi Jeremiah Soh, welcome to the Community! 
Thanks a lot for supporting this idea, I'm passing your feedback to our Product team 👍 Please make sure to upvote the original post above if you haven't yet - the number of votes helps the team understand how popular the suggestion is. Here's more detail on that, but please let me know if you have any questions! 
If you'd like to know what this Community has to offer, please check out our New to Community forum.

Lisa Community Team at Wrike Wrike Product Manager Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover

Lisa Wrike Team member Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover

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I'm upvoting this as well. We have a former team member who created a Space and then left. The Space is creating confusion within the team and, as the Owner for the team, I've been asked repeatedly to delete. But I can't. This is something that Owners should be able to control so that we can keep our Spaces neat and tidy even after someone has left the team.

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Hello Tim Travis, welcome to the Community!

Thank you for adding your support here 🙌🏼

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Folllowing List for Post: [Status: Not Planned] Account Owners cannot delete Space if it is created by another user
[this list is visible for admins and agents only]

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