Custom Fields and Request Forms integration

I have seen several references in various posts that custom fields can be mapped to a Request Form, but I cannot find any resource that shows me how to do that. I have set up a Project Template with custom fields and linked the Project Template to the Request Form ("When Users Submits Form... Create Project from Template..."). I would like to auto-fill these fields based on the User's response to certain questions on the form. What am I missing?

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Hi Wyatt,

To have answers from request forms to populate to your CUF you need to do the following.

1.) Create a question on your request form set up that has something to do with the info you want for your CUF. Here you want to make sure that the question type matches your the type from your CUF. For example, If you have put a dropdown for your CUF then you will need to select dropdown. If it is a number then select number. 

2.) Then for your answer, you will need to select where you want the answers to go. The default is to put it in the description, but you can change that. Using the dropdown menu after you have created your question you can then select where you want the answer to the question to go. For example, if you have a dropdown CUF and you have selected that the question will be a dropdown you will then see a list of your dropdown CUF that is associated with the project or folder that you have mapped your request form to.

3.) Once you have selected one of your choices all the options you put for possible dropdown values when setting up your CUF will then show as a list in the request form setup filed.

Once you save the request from the mapping of your request form questions will then be linked to your CUF in the project of folder you have the task going to.

The other cool thing about this process is if you want different things to happen depending on the selection, like adding a parent folder, adding an assignnee, you can do that for each individual answer you have. Simply click on the decision tree at the end of one of the answers and you then have that option.

Hope that helps.



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Ryan, thank you for the step-by-step. I'm having trouble at Step 2. I have a Dropdown question and corresponding Dropdown custom field in my Project Template. I only have Title and Description in my options at the bottom of the question.

Related to this:  I would like allow users to select multiple items from a checklist and create tasks from those selections. I know I can add a parent folder within the Project Template, but I don't think that addresses the Task level. Is there a way to set this up? It's almost like I need each selection from the checklist to trigger a unique workflow or project template. Dropdowns don't work because I want multiple options to be available. I believe I could get there with multiple questions (Do you need X, Do you need Y, etc) but that makes the form much longer and harder to use.

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Hi Wyatt,

It is weird that you don't have the dropdown options if you have it set up. Unfortunately, without seeing both sides I am not sure I can offer much help with that.  

On your related note, however, I think there may be a solution that may help. For example, we have an IT request form that we use internally. Anyone can use it. It has mutiple pages. For example, it starts off asking, based on a drop down, what kind of IT problem the staff are experiencing. We have 7 options. Based on what they select they will be taken to another page within the reqeust form that has to do with that specifric issue.  From there we give staff specific tasks to try and trouble shoot themselves. Each has to be checked off before they can move on. They can even leave notes for any information that was not yet been covered. They then are asked if the problem has been solved after they have gone through the trouble shooting. If they select yes, then the task is created with a completed status and is kept for record keeping. If no is selected they are then taken to another page where a task can then be created for an IT technician to visit the site and fix the issue. I am not sure if this will actually help but it may be a start.


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Here is where I thought I was supposed to link my RF to a Project Template that contains the matching dropdown. Is this correct?

Here is the question:

And here is the Custom Field Set up in the Marketing Project Template.

Any further help is appreciated. If you're stumped, I can set up a screen share with my account rep. Thanks for all the ideas so far!


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Hi Wyatt,

Do you have the same CUF available in your Marketing Projects Folder/Project? Since the project you are creating will be placed in that project/folder then the CUF's need to exist in there as well as in your template. The reason for this is because the end user will be accessing the newly created project in the Marketing Project folder structure. So the CUF's will also need to exist there. 

You can easily add the CUF's you created for the Marketing Projects Template. If you are using the old Table View you will need to go to the Marketing Project folder. Click Table for your view. Go to the far right of the table and click the Add Column option.

Once done you can either create a new one (do not do this for what you are trying to do), or you can grab one previously created. The name you will want to search for is Project Type.

Once selected and it is added then all options there will then be used here. You should then have the ability to see the CUF title in your Request form setup to add these options. Just so you know you will want to remove the options that you have manually typed as when you select your CUF title the options you have setup there will then be added as your choice options.

If you are using the New Table view you will want to do this.

Once you selected the New Table View as your view you will want to click on the gear in the left-hand corner of the table.

A new window will open and you will want to select the Manage Custom Fields option.

You will then want to click on + New Field then search using the Project Type name in the search box. You will then have two options to create new or to select the one already created. Obviously, you will want to select the one already created.

Once you have selected that you will want to hit done. Click on the gear again. The CUF that you just selected will now have a checkbox beside it, ensure that the check box is selected. Now you should have this column not only appear on your table but should now be selectable on your request form setup.

If this does not work then I am stumped as to why it is not working. We could do a screen share session if this does not work.


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This worked. I did not have the same fields turned on in the destination folder. Thanks for the help!

On the other topic from above, I think the issue is that I need to use a checkbox (for multiple selections), not a dropdown. I need some of the checkboxes to lead to other questions if checked. The workaround seems to be to add  follow-up questions for each of those specific items that require additional input (Did you check X above?) to initiate a redirect to another page with the additional questions. Maybe a "smart checklist" could be an added feature in a future update! If there's another way to allow multiple selections leading to multiple follow-up pages, please let me know.


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Glad it worked. As for your other concern. I have not dealt with mutliple checks from check boxes as we usually just have one selected. It would be interesting to see if anyone else has a work around. With this concern being kinda buried in your CUF post I would start another post with this new topic.


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I had the same issue as Wyatt with linking request forms to custom fields and it was also due to the fact that I didn't have those same fields added at the folder level. I learned a lot from this discussion thread. Thanks! 

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Hi @Gina, glad you've found useful info here 🙂

Thanks for posting, everyone! 

Lisa Community Team at Wrike Wrike Product Manager Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover

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Hello, I am having a slightly different but related issue. The Parent Blueprint Project has the custom field "Reason for Request" (first image). However, the Request Form that I'd like to link to the Blueprint's Custom Field is greyed out and not selectable (second image). Please advise, thanks!

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Hi Stacey Olsen! Is it a text-type custom field? It should only be possible to map a "short answer" type of question as you have on your screenshot to a text-type custom field.

Lisa Community Team at Wrike Wrike Product Manager Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover

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Hi Lisa, Yes, it is a text-type custom field per the screenshots below.

Custom Field Setup is Text Type:


Request Form Settings, Short Answer is selected:

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Aaron K.

Hi Stacey Olsen,

In order to map to a custom field, both of the following conditions must be met:

1. A folder/project for items to be created in must be specified in the right-hand panel in the "Place task/project into" field.

2. The custom field you want to map to is directly located on the folder/project specified above. 

You can check this by going to the "Manage custom fields" section of that folder/project. The source of the custom field must say "This project" or "This folder":

If it says "Parent folder" as the source:

You will need to add the custom field by hovering your mouse over the custom field and clicking the three-dot menu that appears on the right:

You should now be able to map your Short answer question to your Text-type custom field.

Please give it a try and let us know if you run into any problems. 😃

Have a productive day!

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Is there a way we can link Custom Feilds submitted through the form to auto-fill data in Projects as well as all tasks under it?

I have a template that is used to create new projects, I created a form and linked the template & Custom fields to it. So now when i submit the form I can see the custom field data while submitting the form at the Project level but the same fields are also part of tasks which does not get filled automatically

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Hello Ajaykumar Padhy

Thanks for reaching out! Unfortunately, there's no such an option available, so in this case one would either need to create separate questions to map to the relevant tasks, or edit the the values after the form is submitted. To make it quicker, you can select the Project Field cell and drag it down, just like in Excel, to populate the task cells below with the same value.

Hope it helps.

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I also am not able to add the custom field to a request form. I think I have done everything mentioned above, but still no luck?

The Folder / Custom Field:

The Task Template:

The Request Form:

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Wow, it works now. I would delete my prior post but I think this will be helpful:

I had to discard changes to my request form, then RELOAD THE PAGE with the list of request forms, then edit the request form again. Finally everything was refreshed properly, and the team field DID show up under "Description".


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Glad to hear it works correctly now Timothy Livingston! If that happens again or you want to discuss this with our Support team, give me the word! 

Lisa Community Team at Wrike Wrike Product Manager Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover

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Thanks Tim, I had the same problem at the end and the refresh page resolved my problem too..  

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Glad it was useful Eric

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Oh my gosh Timothy Livingston I have spent all day on and off on this! I've linked so many CFs to the request forms before and never had this issue. The last ones must've been a fluke! THANK YOU FOR POSTING. My Friday finish is now arriving much sooner than I feared. 

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I have created a request form with a question that has the status question in it, so when the form is submitted leading to task creation. The task shows every form field/ it's answer which is editable in task (not preferable at all) and also, let's say the task gets approved, then how do I automate my form to change the status along the way. I can share more details but wanted to ask folks about this. 


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Hi Asad Bashir! Have you tried adding approvals to request forms? You can do that and then apply particular statuses upon approval or rejection:


Lisa Community Team at Wrike Wrike Product Manager Become a Wrike expert with Wrike Discover

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So my form questions are feeding into the correct custom fields in the project folder but, I can only see this data in the table view. I can't see the data in the custom fields themselves. They do not populate. Is there a way to open the project and see the custom field with the data from the form already populated?

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Hi Eric Hellman

If I understand your question correctly- you can see the custom field values populated properly in table view, but not when viewing the details of the project.

Assuming these are Project custom fields, when you view the project details, the custom fields should be available above the project description section. You may have tot click the arrow to expand the custom fields down so you can see them. In my case, there is no data populates in these fields yet. 



Or, perhaps you are saying that you can see the fields as above, but they are not populated with data from the form?

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Hi Timothy, yes the latter - I can see the custom fields just nothing in them transferring from the form- That is only visible in the table view. Thanks


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Eric Hellman that is more difficult to troubleshoot without seeing. Perhaps you could take a snapshot of the table as a first step? 

I also don't want to flood the forum with a long conversation! You might want to submit a support ticket. Wrike usually gets back and resolves within 24-48 hours. 

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Hey Eric Hellman, please let me know if you'd like me to raise a ticket for you, I'll be happy to help 🙂

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Eric Hellman this is happening for me too.

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Hey Kristen Gundersen, looks like it's now resolved 👍 Please don't hesitate to reach out to us if you have any other questions 🙂

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