Sharing Dashboards Created by Others

Currently, only the creator of a dashboard can share it with other users. I would like the option to share Dashboards that have been shared with me, but which were created by someone else. I think the permission structure for this should be that the creator is prompted to share the dashboard with the reqtested user, rather than anyone having permission to freely share dashboards at will.

I imagine the flow of this process would be:

  1. I request that a dashboard be shared with a user
  2. the dashboard creator is presented with a prompt to share the dash with this user
  3. dash creator selects yes or no and chooses the access level to share (whether the user can edit the dashboard or not)
  4. the user the dash has been shared with receives a notification that the dashboard has been shared with them and the permission level they have with that dashboard 
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I would love something like this too.  Right now if I am on PTO and someone else needs to modify or share a report that I built, they can't.  I would love to be able to share reports and grant users admin rights to that report.

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Hi guys, thanks for this. Allowing editor rights when sharing Dashboards is a cool idea. I think it would need to have some sort of tracking so you can see who makes edits for referencing so it may be a big development - but a cool one!

We'll make sure the Product Team are made aware of it and update you here if and when we have more information 👍

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I have a similar request that goes farther than sharing. I would like to be able to create a dashboard to which others can add more widgets. Right now a co-worker and I are trying to add widgets for different projects all to the same dashboard and it would be great if we could both add the widgets to the same one, rather than having two separate dashboards with his and with mine

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Hey everyone, I just submitted a suggestion that is related to this one but slightly different, check it out and up-vote if you agree!

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Upvoting - Necessary feature!

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This is so needed, especially if the creator is no longer with the company.

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@here Wrike actually finally made an update so that users can share admin privileges for their dashboards with other users - not quite as robust of a setting as we would like it to be, but definitely an improvement. 

Now, when you "share" a dashboard with a user or a group, you can choose between Read Only, Editor, and Full permissions on the dashboard.

At our company, we've added a soft "requirement" (albeit not very enforceable) that users who share a dashboard with their team that becomes widely accepted/adopted must make at least their manager (if not the Wrike Admin Team) "full users" on that dashboard.  So far it's going alright, and again definitely an improvement on complete lack of access previously!


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