Folllowing List for Post: Can I make a report public?
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Folllowing List for Post: Can I make a report public?
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Hi Andres, you can't share reports or make them public, but you can share the data from a report. Depending on the type of information you want to share, these are two options that may help.
1) Report Snapshot - capture what your report looks like at a particular moment. A link to the snapshot is generated and anyone who is part of your Wrike account will be able to use the link to view the snapshot.
2) Export a Report to Excel - you can export data from table reports to Excel. You'll be able to share the exported file with anyone (Wrike user or non-Wrike user). To do this: open your report, click on the three-dot menu button in the report's upper right-hand corner and click "Export to Excel".
Will either of those options work for your situation?
We really need to be able to allow others to run a report we create or share it. We use the reports operationally and many times I have to recreate the wheel for managers to see the view I use. It seems like a very easy thing to do. Exporting to excel is not the answer for real-time reporting which is what our team needs.
Hi Vincent. I checked in with one of our Project Managers about this (because I wanted to pass on your feedback) and he said we are working on the functionality you're requesting. I'll try to let you know when it's released, but just in case, we're releasing weekly release notes here so you'll be able to see when the release is made.
Thats great! Thanks!
I would like to add weight to the need for public real-time reports. We have several remote teams that we have status meetings with and need a standard report that all can access and be able to interact with.
Thank you.
Agreed... We need this functionality too. And it would be great if the most recent comment on a task could be surfaced on the report. We produce status reports at the project level (high level red, yellow, green status reporting). Sometimes there is context in the comments since people sometimes update the comments with real time status info. It would be great to be able to surface the most recent comment on the project level reports since some people viewing the report snapshot might not have access to click in and view the task details.
Hi Jason and Jeni! The functionality being discussed here is definitely on our roadmap, so stay tuned :)
@Jeni, that's an interesting use case! While adding a comment field to Reports isn't something we are currently looking at, would it help if Projects had their own Custom Statuses? I'd be happy to bring this up for discussion with our Product Team.
Hi everyone, the option to share Reports is in Wrike Labs now! You can enable the feature and start sharing reports with Regular Users and User Groups. More details about how it works here.
Sweet! This is great!
Sweet! This is great!
Glad you like it!
Hi @Stephanie - seems like we have an issue with shared reports. When the beta functionality came out I was able to share a report with one of my team members and they were able to download it to Excel. They clicked on the three vertical dots next to the text "Shared by Andres". In that drop down menu there used to be an option to "Download Report to Excel". Now, the only option available is "Text Wrap". Can you take a look at this please?
Hi Andres, you're right, during the beta period people who were shared on a report could export the report via Excel. However, now that the feature is officially released, only the report creator can export the report to Excel. We removed the functionality for security reasons - in order to help prevent situations where sensitive data is shared without the report creator's consent.
Hi Stephanie. Thanks for getting back to me so quickly. I think you guys need to reconsider that functionality. If somebody was interested in sharing report date without the owner´s consent they could take screenshots from the share report. I don´t think disabling the excel export will make a significant security impact but it definelty hinders the value of shared reports. Excel is not only a better tool to review/analyze reports but it also allows folks to manage/format the data to meet their specific requirements, e.g. Highlight overdue tasks during a task review meeting. I truly hope you guys can bring that functionality back.
So - I guess I do not understand - why would you make a report public and then restrict allowing a shared user from taking it to excel. If the report is public then the data in the report is meant to be shared. If we do not trust data being given out then we make our own private folders for that. I am not really understanding the logic with this.
@Andres @Vincent thanks for the additional input! Right now, the reasoning is that some teams may want to share the Report with one person, but not want them to be able to share the data (too easily) with anyone else. That said, I understand where you are both coming from and understand the value in allowing others to export Reports. I'm passing your feedback and request to bring that functionality on to the Project Manager for the feature.
@Stephanie - do we have an ETA on the ability to download shared reports to Excel? I am having to do it manually for my team members right now... Thanks.
@Andres Hi! We submitted the feedback, but adding this functionality isn't on the roadmap at the moment. I rechecked in with the project manager and confirmed that the ability to export to Excel is being restricted for security reasons. I know this isn't your use case, but right now the logic is that since team members can't share the Report with other users, they shouldn't be able to export to Excel either because that is another way to easily share Report data.
Hi - any change in this decision? Downloading a shared report to excel is a very important feature to our business as well.
Hi Heidi! Thank you for your input on this. We aren't working on this functionality yet, but I wanted to let you know that we just launched a Product Feedback section on the Community, which is the perfect place for sharing your ideas and requests. We started this topic so everyone could discuss and upvote posts, which allows us to track the amount of requests for a certain feature. Happy to see this idea on the forum!
Hello - Our team would also like to have the export to excel option for shared reports too. I will add this to the product feed as well.
Hi Mark, thank you for commenting here! I wanted to share a post with a request for this functionality, which was recently added to the Product Feedback section: Reports Permissions. Happy to see your vote there, as well as votes from other Community members interested in this feature!
We also need the ability to export a shared report, as well as the ability for someone who is not the report creator to share a report with others.